Swami Svatmarama

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Swami Swatmarama (dates of birth and death are unknown) was a great exponent of Hatha Yoga and author of the famous Yogic text, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika. Little is known about him apart from this.

In the Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Swatmarama says only this that relates to himself:

'' Yogin Swatmarama, after saluting his Guru Srinatha explains Hatha Yoga for the attainment of Raja Yoga.

Owing to the darkness arising from the multiplicity of opinions people are unable to know the Raja Yoga. Compassionate Swatmarama composes the Hatha Yoga Pradipika like a torch to dispel it.

Matsyendra, Goraksa, and so on, knew Hatha Vidya, and by their favour Yogi Swatmarama also learnt it from them.''

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