Sven Linderot

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Sven Linderot (1889 - 1956), nickename Sven-Lasse was a Swedish Communist leader. He was born Sven Larsson but changed his name to Linderot in 1918.

Linderot became active in the Swedish Social Democratic Party in 1914 and he joined the left opposition in the Party split of 1917, which soon became the Communist Party of Sweden. Linderot was one of the leaders of the Party's youth organization and in late 1921 he was sent to Moscow to work for the Communist International (Comintern).

When the party split in 1929, Linderot emerged as one of the main figures in the pro-Comintern faction together with Hugo Sillén, which by orders of Moscow expelled a majority of the Party members, including the leadership. Linderot replaced the expelled Karl Kilbom as leader of the party, a position he held from 1929 to 1951.

In 1939, Sven Linderot was elected to the Riksdag where he had a seat till 1949.

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