Suva Planina

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foreland of Suva planina mountain in Winter, Trem and Sokolov kamen in sight
foreland of Suva planina mountain in Winter, Trem and Sokolov kamen in sight

Suva Planina (meaning dry mountain in Serbian) is the mountain range in Southern Serbia. It system extends along a curve from Niška Banja spa to Bela Palanka in horseshoe stile. The highest peak is Trem – 1810m. Second high is Sokolov kamen (Sokolov kamen=falcons rock in Serbian) – 1523m. Sokolov kamen is also the highest point of city of Niš (

The name Suva planina issued from the fact that there is only few springs in the whole mountain. Two biggest are Bojanine vode - 860m (under Sokolov kamen) and Rakoš česma (at the Bela Palanka side of mountain.

Suva planina is under favour of state and there are many NGOs that are trying to get National park status for it.

In the past there was a road that was passing over Suva planina, called Carski drum (Carski drum= Tsar’s road in Serbian).

In last weekend in February there is a mountaineering event called “Zimski uspon na Trem” (Winter climb on Trem), that gather over 600 mountaineers from all parts of Balkan. It is also the biggest Balkan’s mountain winter event. It started in 1997 and it is under the organization of Mountaineering club “Železničar” from city of Niš (

 foreland of Suva planina mountain in Summer, Trem and Sokolov kamen in sight
foreland of Suva planina mountain in Summer, Trem and Sokolov kamen in sight
 Group of mountaineers on Trem - Winter climb on Trem 2005
Group of mountaineers on Trem - Winter climb on Trem 2005

[edit] See also