Survie NGO

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Survie (French for survival) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) founded in 1984 to fight hunger and corruption in the Third World. It has since became a federation of departmental associations, composed of 1,600 paying members, about a 100 activists and six employees. In September 2005, Odile Tobner became president of Survie, a post previously held by François-Xavier Verschave, famous for his criticisms of French neocolonialism in African former colonies and his neologism Françafrique.


[edit] A brief history

[edit] Origin

Survie was founded in 1984 as a consequence of the 1981 Manifesto Appeal of the Nobel Prizewinners against hunger, written by Nobel laureate Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, French engineer Jean Fabre and the founder of the Italian Radical Party Marco Pannella. [1] The Manifesto Appeal was signed originally by 55 Nobel laureates (123 Nobel laureates had signed it by 1996). To promote the Manifesto Appeal, an international NGO was founded in Bruxelles, Food and Disarmament International, while Survie was launched in Belgium and Italy, drawing tens of thousands of people.

[edit] Survival Acts

In 1983, after the involvement of several Belgium mayors and a hunger strike spontaneously initiated by a blind man, the Belgium Parliament unanimously vote a "Survival Act", which accords 10 billion Belgium francs (1.6 billion French francs) to development aid in East Africa.

In 1984, more than 8,000 French mayors were members of Survie, while the next year the Italian Parliament voted a Survival Act according 9 billion French francs to an 18-month program in countries severely affected by hunger and decertification. Before the French Parliament failed to pass legislation similar to the Belgium and Italian Act, however, Survie focused on deputies (MPs) instead of mayors. In the March 1993 Parliament, 319 MPs, along with the Prime minister, the Economy minister, the Foreign Affairs minister and the Cooperation minister, signed the proposition for a Survival Act. The propositional Act was conceived in 1989 by 5 MPs from all five groups of the French Parliament (French Communist Party, French Socialist Party, and conservatives UDF, RPR, and UDC). It provided .001 percent of the French national budget (6 billion French francs per year) to aid development, to be delivered according to a new institutional model, giving a large place to civil society.

During this campaign, Survie recognized the extent of the corruption affecting public aid development, which it dubbed "secret aid to counter-development," arguing that this aid was a main instrument of the neocolonialist Françafrique as it fostered support for various dictators in former French colonies.[2].

[edit] The Rwandan Genocide

The Rwandan Genocide was a shock for many people, as it pointed to the dark side of France's links with former colonies (the bright side of which is formed by the official Francophonie organization). François-Xavier Verschave, at the time the president of Survie, wrote several books criticizing the French state's involvement in Rwanda and alleging that some French elements took part, in a way or another, in that Genocide. A Mission d'information parlementaire sur le Rwanda (Parliamentary Information Mission on Rwanda) was created following several newsarticles by Le Figaro. Survie preferred the creation of a Parliamentary Investigation Commission.

[edit] The Comores

Survie opposes French presence in Mayotte, an oversea collectivity, and supports its integrattion into the Union of the Comoros. The NGO alleges that the referendum through which the Mayotte population chose to remain under French sovereignty was illegal. If integration of Mayotte cannot be achieved, the NGO advocates an exceptional migratory status, which would suppress the requirement of visas between Comores and Mayotte.

[edit] Relationship with other organizations

Survie founded several NGOs, including ATTAC, Biens Publics à l'Echelle Mondiale (created in 1999 and concerned about Global public goods), and the Observatoire de la Coopération Française. It is also a member of the Center for research and information about development, the Citizen Commission of Investigation on the Implication of France in Rwanda, and the Coalition des ONG pour la Cour Pénale Internationale (NGO coalition for the International Criminal Court).

[edit] Notes

  1. ^ Manifesto Appeal of the Nobel Prizewinners [Laureates]. Le Manifeste-Appel des Prix Nobel. El manifiesto-llamamiento de los premios Nobel. Manifesto Appeal. 1981.
  2. ^ "La campagne Survie : d’où vient-elle ? que veut-elle?" Online posting. Survie. 1996.

[edit] external links

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