Supinator muscle

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Supinator muscle
The Supinator. Posterior view.
Front of the left forearm. Deep muscles. (Supinator visible at upper right.)
Latin musculus supinator
Gray's subject #125 454
Origin: Lateral epicondyle of humerus, supinator crest of ulna, radial collateral ligament, annular ligament
Insertion: Lateral proximal radial shaft
Blood: radial recurrent artery
Nerve: radial nerve
Action: supinates forearm
Dorlands/Elsevier m_22/12551025

The Supinator is a broad muscle, curved around the upper third of the radius.

It consists of two planes of fibers, between which the deep branch of the radial nerve lies. The two planes arise in common—the superficial one by tendinous and the deeper by muscular fibers—from the lateral epicondyle of the humerus; from the radial collateral ligament of the elbow-joint, and the annular ligament; from the ridge on the ulna, which runs obliquely downward from the dorsal end of the radial notch; from the triangular depression below the notch; and from a tendinous expansion which covers the surface of the muscle.

The superficial fibers surround the upper part of the radius, and are inserted into the lateral edge of the radial tuberosity and the oblique line of the radius, as low down as the insertion of the Pronator teres.

The upper fibers of the deeper plane form a sling-like fasciculus, which encircles the neck of the radius above the tuberosity and is attached to the back part of its medial surface; the greater part of this portion of the muscle is inserted into the dorsal and lateral surfaces of the body of the radius, midway between the oblique line and the head of the bone.

[edit] General use of term

The term "Supinator" can also refer more generally to a muscle that causes supination of a part of the body. In older texts, the term "supinator longus" was used to refer to the Brachioradialis, and "supinator brevis" was used to the muscle now known as the Supinator.

[edit] External links

This article was originally based on an entry from a public domain edition of Gray's Anatomy. As such, some of the information contained herein may be outdated. Please edit the article if this is the case, and feel free to remove this notice when it is no longer relevant.

Muscles of the HeadNeckTrunkUpper limbLower limbLIST OF ALL MUSCLES

VERTEBRAL COLUMN: trapezius | latissimus dorsi | rhomboid major | rhomboid minor | levator scapulae | (Gray's s121)

ANTERIOR AND LATERAL THORACIC WALLS: pectoralis major | pectoralis minor | subclavius | serratus anterior | (Gray's s122)

SHOULDER: deltoid | rotator cuff (subscapularis, supraspinatus, infraspinatus, teres minor) | teres major | (Gray's s123)

ARM: coracobrachialis | biceps brachii | brachialis | triceps brachii | (Gray's s124)

FOREARM: Volar super. | pronator teres | palmaris longus | flexor carpi radialis | flexor carpi ulnaris | flexor digitorum superficialis
Volar deep | flexor digitorum profundus | flexor pollicis longus | pronator quadratus
Dorsal super. | brachioradialis | extensor digitorum | extensor carpi radialis longus | extensor digiti minimi | extensor carpi radialis brevis | extensor carpi ulnaris | anconeus
Dorsal deep | supinator | abductor pollicis longus | extensor pollicis brevis | extensor pollicis longus | extensor indicis | (Gray's s125)

HAND: Lateral volar | abductor pollicis brevis | thenar (opponens pollicis, flexor pollicis brevis, adductor pollicis)
Medial volar | palmaris brevis | hypothenar (abductor minimi digiti, flexor digiti minimi brevis, opponens digiti minimi)
Intermediate | lumbrical | dorsal interossei | palmar interossei | (Gray's s126)

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