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SuperPrimeā„¢ is a computer program that is used for calculating the primality of a large set of positive natural numbers. Because of its multi-threaded nature and dynamic load scheduling, it scales excellently when using more than 1 thread (execution core.) It is commonly used in Overclocking to test stability and speed of the system.

[edit] Background Information

In August 1995, the calculation of Pi up to 4,294,960,000 decimal digits was achieved by using a supercomputer at the University of Tokyo. The program used to achieve this was ported to personal computers, for operating systems such as Windows NT and Windows 95 and called Super-PI.

[edit] Overclocking

In Sept 29, 2006, a milestone was broken when bachus_anonym of broke 30s landmark using a highly overclocked Core 2 Duo machine [1]