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In Denmark, the studentereksamen is the final examination from the four main types of secondary school called the gymnasium educations. Their function is to prepare the students for university. Completing one of those educations and passing the final examinations gives students the title of Student and provides direct entry to university, though certain restrictions may apply (one may have to have especially high grades or having passed some subjects on a high level).


[edit] History

The studentereksamen was an entrance exam carried out by the universities until 1850 where schools started examining the students. In 1871, the gymnasium education was divided into the mathematical-scientific and lingual-historical lines of study. At the same time, the entrance exam at university for self-taught people was abolished. Women were not allowed to take the studentereksamen until 1875.

In 1903, the lines of study were changed to mathematical-scientific, lingual, and classical, and the name of the schools was changed to gymnasium. From 1958 there were two lines of study, mathematical-scientific and lingual, and after first year, the students had to choose between different branches. This system was however changed in 1988, where the students in their second year were able to choose between a variety of subjects.

The two line system was abolished in 2005 and the common gymnasium was completely changed. More lines of study, decided by each gymnasium itself, were offered, and it was generally perceived to give a greater amount of customisability to the students. Instead of choosing a line of study when enrolling, the students gave their intentions, and made the definite decision after half a year of introduction of various faculties. Furthermore, a wide range of general subjects like society studies, for instance, were made mandatory.

[edit] Types of examination

  • Stx (Alment Gymnasium [Common Gymnasium]), as the name suggests, is the "normal" type of gymnasium. It offers a wide range of subjects most of which are biased towards theory with less focus on the practical side. This is the only type of gymnasium which also has the goal of giving students a general education and good manners. Most of the students have just completed primary school, or start after a gap year.
  • Hf (Højere Forberedelseseksamen [Higher Preparation Exam]) is a form of gymnasium education only taking two years. It was originally conceived to permit adults with vocational education to enter university. The education was compressed into two years by taking some of the creative and historical subjects out.
  • Hhx (Højere Handelseksamen [Higher Trade Exam]) is a form of gymnasium education concerning trade.
  • Htx (Højere Teknisk Eksamen [Higher Technical Exam]), unlike common gymnasium, focuses on practical projects and technology rather than theory.

[edit] External links

[edit] See also

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