Student marketing
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A term most often used in the UK, student marketing refers to the promotion of products, brands and ideas to the 3 million+ higher and further education student population. Student marketing is generally realised through student media or ambient marketing on campuses.
Student marketing is not the same as Student Union Marketing which concentrates on marketing opportunities only through Student Union, Association and Guild medias. This type of media is powered through companies such as BAM Student Marketing, who provide media services for Student Union bodies as well as the production of their newspapers and website systems.
Students are estimated by NUS Services Ltd to spend over £13 billion a year making them a key market for consumer brands.
It is worth noting that since January 2002 the most ambitious campaigns have been commissioned by "graduate recruiters" trying to encourage applications from potential employees.
[edit] See also
Yellowikis has a list of agencies specialising in Youth Marketing
Reach Students publishes the book Targeting Students: A Marketing Guide