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Warning STOP! ... Hammertime.
  • Remember to listen to what the cat said!
  • The schemer, the bully, the self-appointed rule enforcer and the fool.

  • See the first post appearing on my user page: [1]
  • What Famekeeper said about me: [2]

If you'd really like to know what you always wanted to know (but never cared to ask):

Yesterday's news printed tomorrow!hehe!

Tvbinaav Guvegl-guerr rayvtugrarq ngurvfg rkgerzryl cyrnfrq jvgu uvzfrys pbf ur XABJF gur zbba vfa'g znqr bs purrfr. (Ovyyvbaf jrer xvyyrq va gur pehfnqrf ohg Znb jnf n avpr thl pbf ur'f jbexvat sbe cebterff.) Gur sbyybjvat hfref ner abg uvf fbpxrgchccrgf, qrfcvgr fhofgnapvny frperg yvathvfgvp rivqrapr. urur. * Oryvaqn Tbat jvsr pbzcyvpngrq cbbe tvey * Xrpvx (zrnaf fznyy) + ZvxnZ jbex sbe uvz ohg qb abg fnl zhpu * Serrguvaxre Avargl-avar n sevraq abg va nal jnl nffbpvngrq jvgu uvz cerfrag be cnfg * Serrguvaxre, fcvyyrq zvyx * SvbanF (Gehgu vf ornhgl naq ornhgl vf gehgu) * EGF (yngre arire pnzr) + ACBIFriragl-frira (nevfrf jura arrqrq, nyjnlf ba nyreg, CBI vasrfgrq) juvyr ba n gevc - anzr cnebqvrf * UXGuvegl (svtug hajvaanoyr onggyr, ernpu haernpunoyr fgnef) = Zrephel Gjb-gubhfnaq-naq-bar vaibyirq va fgnyxvat *Cebsrffbe Guvegl-guerr (Znekvfg GZ) tvivat njneqf gb uvzfrys, = ArbBar (Ur'f gur Bar) Jbj! Hapyrne pbaarpgvba gb Gebyyjngpure n.x.n. Wbua Rvtuggrra Guvegl-rvtug jub ner fgnyxvat. Ohg jub vf Cngevpx, V ernyyl jnag gb xabj. Gurl nyy cbfg sebz Pnyvsbeavn. Vg'f pbzcyvpngrq. urur. Oyhr nccyrf. Strtsch prst skrs krk.

Excitingly exlosive! Wow!

  • Henry Lincoln: "If you want to solve a mystery ... only follow the dotted line!"
  • Michael Baigent: "Incredible! I must recant!"
  • Richard Leigh: "... but we never believed in the truth of our claims anyway!"
  • Dan Brown: "I never new his grasp reached that far!"
  • Michael Moore: "It must be Giorge W. Bush, no?"
  • Bobby Heenan: "I am not the guy that would tell you that I told you so, but: I told you so!"
  • The puppet master: "It was me all along!hehe!"
  • Major Motoko Kusanagi: "He's only a puppet himself!"

Now read the book!! Buy the video!! Get the soft-drink!! Consume!! Obey!!

I also want to take this opportunity to proclaim February 15 the Day of Artificial Flowers, when on the stroke of twelve midnight, the witching hour, red flowers (left over from Saint Valentine's Day) turn blue. [3]

Warning 4 July, 2006: We interrupt our programme for the following message:

... in the last minute of extra time!

Tears for heroes dressed in white
No plans for final night
Stay in bed, watch the light.

It could have been all songs in the street
It was nearly complete
It was nearly so sweet
And now I'm singing:

An eagle on a shirt!
A golden cup still gleaming!
No more years of hurt!
No more need for dreaming!

It doesn't matter whether your win or lose but how you win or lose.

... and to lose against the Champions of the World is not too bad, is it?