Strike cruiser

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To see the Strike-class medium cruiser produced by Loronar Defense Industries from the Star Wars Universe, see Strike Cruiser (Star Wars)

A strike cruiser (proposed hull designator: CSGN) was a proposal from DARPA on the next generation of cruisers in the 1980s. It was to be a guided missile attack cruiser with a displacement of around 17,200 tons, armed and equipped with SM-2, Harpoon and Tomahawk missiles, an 8-inch gun, and the AEGIS phased array radar system.

A prototype strike cruiser was to be the refurbished USS Long Beach (CGN-9), at a cost of roughly $800 million, however this never came to pass.

Originally, eight to a dozen strike cruisers were projected. The cruiser was to have arsenal ship offensive capabilities coupled with Aegis defensive capabilities in a nuclear powered package. The class would have complemented the fleet defense Arleigh Burke-class destroyer (DDG-47) program. After the CSGN cancellation, the Aegis destroyers were expanded into the Ticonderoga-class (CG-47) Aegis cruiser program.

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