Strider Hien

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Strider Hien
Strider Hien

A rival to Strider Hiryu's success in the Striders, he became jealous of Hiryu's success and god-like status as he was the youngest Strider to be a Class-A ninja. Seeking revenge, he offered his services to Grandmaster Meio and assisted him in wiping out most of the Striders.

Hiryu fought Hien twice and is a boss character in Strider 2, though he is also an unlockable character to play with as well for the Playstation version of Strider 2.

His weapon is a double sided Cypher sword since either side of the weapon can be thrown at his enemy like a boomerang. He's only vulnerable once he does this.

No one knows what happened to him after his second consecutive defeat at the hands of Hiryu. Rumors were abound in the Strider circle that Hien gave himself time off to train himself in order to win when the two Strider ninjas will meet again in their next duel.

[edit] Trivia