Strange Invaders

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Promotional movie poster for the film
Promotional movie poster for the film

Strange Invaders was a spoof science-fiction film made in 1983, as a tribute to the 1950's films.


[edit] Plot

In 1958, the town of Centerville, Illinois was invaded by a race of aliens, who had the power to fire lasers from their eyes and hands, and could "crystallize" humans into glowing blue orbs. They took on the form of the humans who were either captured or (presumably) killed.

25 years later, university lecturer Charles Bigelow learns that his ex-wife, Margaret Newman, has disappeared while attending her mothers' funeral in Centerville, and moves there to find her. The disguised aliens are all dressed in 1950's clothing, and try to capture Bigelow as he escapes, but only capture his dog, Louie.

Seeing a photo of an alien in a magazine, Bigelow soon finds Margaret, who is one of the aliens herself, and warns Bigelow to escape with their daughter to protect her from the aliens, who want to take her to their homeworld.

[edit] The Aliens

The aliens (their race and planet being unnamed), are from "far, far away". They bear some resemblance to E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial, but have landed on Earth to conduct research on the planet. Their invasion was somehow authorized by the United States government, and they released their "crystallized" prisoners before they leave.

They are lead on Earth by an alien posing as guest-house manager, Arthur Newman (No relation to Margaret), although their main leader, who appears close to the end, is only credited as "First Alien". Where Arthur Newman seems sly, aggressive and arrogant, the First Alien seems more compassionate and understanding. The First Alien tries to reason with Bigelow about his daughter, while Arthur simply crystallizes those who defy him.

As well as crystalisation, the Aliens can also use their glare to unlock doors and drag elevators up and down shafts.

Other aliens featured in the film include The Avon Lady, The Man in Dark Glasses and a gang of Rockers.

[edit] Cast

[edit] External link