Strömgren sphere

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In astrophysics, a Strömgren sphere is the sphere of ionized hydrogen H II region around a young star of the spectral classes O or B. The most prominent example is the Rosette Nebula. It is named after Bengt Strömgren.

An idealized calculation is simple, let's suppose the region is exactly spherical and fully ionized (x=1) and composed only of hydrogen so the numerical density of protons equals the density of electrons (ne = np), then the Strömgren radius will be the region where the recombination rate equals the ionization rate. We will consider the recombination rate NR of all energy levels which is

N_R = \sum_{n=2}^{\infty}N_n

Nn is the recombiantion rate of the n-th energy level. The reason we have excluded n=1 is that if a photon with enough energy recombines in to the ground level the hydrogen atom will release another photon capable of ionizing up to the ground level. This is important as electric dipole mechanism always make the ionization up to the ground level so we exclude n=1 to add these ionizing field effect. Now, the recombination rate of a particular energy level Nn is (with ne = np):

N_r=n_e n_p \beta_{n}(T_e)=n_e^2 \beta_{n}(T_e)

where βn(Te) is the recombination coefficient of the nth energy level in a unitary volume at a temperature Te which is the temperature of the electrons and is usually the same of the sphere. So after doing the sum we arrive to:

N_R=n_e^2 \beta_2(T_e)

Where β2(Te) is the total recombination rate and has an approximate value of:

\beta_2(T_e) \approx 2 \times 10^{16} T_e^{3/4} \ \mathrm{[m^{-3} s^{-1}]}.

Using n as the number of nucleons (in this case, protons), we can introduce the degree of ionization 0\leq x \leq1 so ne = xn, and the numerical density of neutral hydrogen is ne = (1 − x)n. With a cross section α0 (which has units of area) and the number of ionizing photons per area per second J the ionization rate NI is:

NI = α0nhJ

For simplicity we will consider only the geometric effects on J as we get further from the ionizing source flux S * , so we have an inverse square law:

J(r)=\frac{S_*}{4 \pi r^2}

We are now in position of calculating the Stromgren Radius RS, from the balance between the recombination and ionization

\frac{4 \pi}{3} (nx)^2 \beta_2 R_S^3 = S_*

and finally remembering that the region is considered as fully ionized (x=1):

R_S=\left( \frac{3}{4 \pi} \frac{S_*}{n^2 \beta_2} \right)^{\frac{1}{3}}

This is the radius of a region ionized by a type O-B star.

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