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Stewarton Viaduct.
Stewarton Viaduct.

Stewarton is a town located in East Ayrshire, Scotland. In comparison to other towns in the region it is comparatively large - bigger than the surrounding towns of Kilmaurs, Fenwick and Dunlop - with a population of around 10,000.


[edit] History

[edit] King Malcolm Canmore and Friskin

Historical records show that Stewarton has existed since at least the 12th century with various non-historical references to the town dating to the early 11th century. The most famous of these non-historical references concerns the legend (which may or may not be true) of Máel Coluim III the son of Donnchad I of Scotland who appears as a character in William Shakespeare's play Macbeth. As the legend goes, Mac Bethad had slain Donnchad to enable himself to become king of Scotland and immediately turned his attention towards Donnchad's son Máel Coluim (the next in line to the throne). When Máel Coluim learned of his father's death and Mac Bethad's intentions to murder him, he fled for the relative safety of England. Unfortunately for Máel Coluim, Mac Bethad and his associates had tracked him down and were gaining on him as he entered the estate of Corsehill (also Crosshill) on the edge of Stewarton. In panic Máel Coluim pleaded for the assistance of a nearby farmer named either Friskine or Máel Coluim (accounts differ) who was forking hay on the estate. Friskine/Máel Coluim covered Máel Coluim in hay, allowing him to escape Mac Bethad and his associates. He later found refuge with King Harthacanute, King of England and Norway and in 1057, after returning to Scotland and defeating Mac Bethad in the Battle of Lumphanan in 1057 (Best 1999) to become King of Scots, he rewarded Friskine's family with the Baillie of Cunninghame to show his gratitude to the farmer who had saved his life 17 years earlier. Whether this legend is true or not, the Cunninghame family logo now features a "Y" shaped fork with the words "over fork over" underneath - a logo which appears in various places in Stewarton, notably as the logo of the two primary schools in the area - Lainshaw primary school and Nether Robertland primary school. It is also said that Friskine/Máel Coluim became keeper of the king's horses and the motto was a typical play on words.

Another reference to Stewarton, this time a historical recorded version, is that one Wernbald was given the Cunninghame lands by his superior, Hugo de Morville, the builder of Kilwinning Abbey who lived at this time in Tour near Kirkland in Kilmaurs. The family were originally from Morville in Normandy (Wernebald was from Flanders) and had been established in Scotland for at least twenty years when one of the family was involved in the murder of Thomas a Beckett. John Baliol's mother was a daughter of the family and when Robert the Bruce won the crown the family of Baliol lost their lands in Cunninghame. The Red Comyn, who Bruce murdered, was a nephew of Baliol. William Cunninghame de Lamberton (see Lambroughton) was Archbishop of St.Andrews and was a great supporter of the 'Bruce'.

[edit] The Murder of the Earl Of Eglintoun

Another significant event from Stewarton's history involves the Cunninghame family. In the 16th century Ayrshire was divided into three regions or bailiaries - Kyle, Carrick and Cunninghame. The two powerful families residing in Cunninghame - the Cunninghame's and the Montgomeries - had been involved in a bitter dispute for several years over landholdings which came to a head in 1586 when Hugh 4th the Earl of Eglinton was attacked at the ford on the river Annick (which flows through Stewarton) by 30 or so members of the Cunninghame family and shot dead by John Cunninghame of Clonbeith. Hugh was on his way to attend the court of King James VI at Stirling when he decided to stop off at Langshaw house (now Lainshaw house which was for a long time a home for the elderly) to dine with his associates. Unbeknownst to the Earl, the lady of the house Lady Montgomery - who was the daughter of a Cunninghame of Aiket Castle, married into the Montgomery family - told several of her Cunninghame associates who lived in the area of the Earl's planned visit and they decided to lie in wait for the Earl at Annick Water Ford or brig (accounts differ). Lady Montgomery had two sisters, one was married to David Cunninghame of Robertland and another to John Cunninghame of Corsehill (Dobie 1876). As a response to the killing the Montgomery family declared they would kill every Cunninghame who had been at the river that day and a series of 'tit for tat' killings were carried out between the two families. John Cunninghame of Clonbeith was eventually slain in Hamilton, Scotland, but several of those responsible for the murder fled to Denmark and were eventually granted a pardon by King James upon his marriage to Anne of Denmark. John was found hiding in a chimney in Hamilton, dragged out and hacked to death.

Lady Montgomery, who was alleged to have signaled the murderers by placing a white 'napkin' on a window sill, is said to have escaped and lived with her retainer Robert Kerr at Pearce Bank (now High Peacockbank) for several years until the 'hue and cry' died down at which point she returned to the castle and was not mollested on the understanding that she did not 'show her face' outside of the grounds. A path known as the 'Weeping or Mourning Path' runs upstream from the Annick (previously Annack or Annock Water) ford and this is where the Earl's widow is said to have wept as she later followed the trail of blood left behind as his panicked horse took him away from the scene. The Earl's body was placed in Lainshaw Castle until arrangements were made to remove it to Eglintoun Castle.

[edit] Corsehill and Ravenscraig Castles

A great deal of confusion exists about the site and naming of these castles in Stewarton. The name Ravenscraig or Reuincraig is derived from 'Ruin Crag', i.e. ruined castle, so it isn't so much a name as a description. We know from historical records about Godfrey de Ross and his family of Corsehill Castle, they were Lords of Liddesdale in the Borders and later on the Cunninghames became the holders. Corsehill (also Crosshill) castle is said to have been on the east side of the Corsehill Burn and only a few remains were said to exist to show its site, however the 1860 OS indicates no ruins of any description.

Ravenscraig or Corsehill Castle showing the remains left after the railway demolished most of the ruins
Ravenscraig or Corsehill Castle showing the remains left after the railway demolished most of the ruins

The 1860 OS map does record the site of Templehouse which had a small fortalice associated with it and its site was at Darlington, the village which lay just beyond Stewarton on the Kingsford road before the East Burn. This area continued to be called Templehouses for many years after the stones were removed by local people for building purposes. Corsehill castle is shown in one old print of 1691 by Gross as Corsehill House and substantial remains existed until the railway was constructed and most of the ruins were used to build the embankment. It is recorded that an avenue of trees ran down from the well planted Corsehill into Stewarton. The single tower that remains today (2006) of Ravenscraig / Corsehill was repaired to stabilise it and this gives it its unexpected appearance.

A 1791 View of Corsehill House
A 1791 View of Corsehill House

It seems that Ravenscraig and Corsehill Castles were separate entities, and that a vague memory of Templehouse and its fortalice at Darlington on the lands of Corsehill farm, may have caused some extra confusion as in the King’s Kitchen tale of the location of the Baronial residence. An area opposite the site of Templehouses was known as 'The Castle' and this may reflect the existence of the castle or fortalice here (Hewitt 2006). Many references can be found to Corsehill in old records, none for Ravenscraig, but several for Reuincraig, although this is very unlikely to be anything more than a description and not a name.

Archibald Adamson in his 'Rambles Round Kilmarnock' of 1875 only records three castles, these being Robertland, Auchenharvie and Corsehill. He makes no mention of the name Ravenscraig, calling the site he visited Corsehill. Aitken only marks Crosshill Castle in 1829 on the west side of the Corsehill Burn. The first OS maps show only the existing castle site, so the new survey has not perpetuate the error.

To sum up, the map in Pont's 'Cuninghame' of 1604-8 shows two buildings, "Reuincraige" and "Corshill", at approximately NS 417 467 and NS 422 465 respectively, and Dobie (1876) comments that the two have often been confused, but that "Reuincraig" stood on the W of the Corsehill Burn and "Corsehill Mansion" on its E. "Reuincraig", he says, was so modernised about 1840 that it was difficult to realise that it had been ruined in 1608, while the ruins of "Corsehill" were removed about the beginning of the 19th century and only foundations could be traced when he wrote. He also thought that "Reuincraig" (i.e. Ruin Craig) was not an original name. If Dobie is correct, the ruins published as "Corsehill Castle" on the OS 6", must be those of "Reuincraig", both because they are standing remains, and because they are on the W bank of the burn. Macgibbon and Ross, describing "Corsehill Castle" at the end of the 19th century as a very ruinous mansion, evidently of late date and apparently of the L-plan, and ascribe it to the period 1542-1700, must be referring to "Reuincraig". Grose, in 1791, published an illustration of "Corshill House", but does not give it a close siting. As, however, he mentions that "at a small distance from this ruin are some small remains of a more ancient building belonging to the same family", he is also probably referring to "Reuincraig", the "small remains" being those of "Corsehill". (Grose 1791); (MacGibbon) and (Ross 1889).

[edit] Local Events

Stewarton, like many other Scottish towns, holds a gala festival annually at the beginning of summer. Dating back to the days when Stewarton had a prosperous trade in bonnet-making, the 'Bonnet Guild' organises activities for the local residents and proclaims a 'Corsehill Queen', the most academically successful girl in 2nd year at Stewarton Academy.

One of the most exciting growing events in Stewarton is the 'Live Traid' music event. Run by the 'Stewarton Fair Trade Group', it gathers unsigned (and now signed) musical acts from the West of Scotland together bi-annually to raise money and attention for fair trade charities.

Over the years, Live Traid events in Stewarton have raised over £5000 and have proved to be a popular event with locals and fans of music from all over. The event has a growing reputation and the latest Live Traid was to be held on 30th June 2006. Previous acts to play Live Traid include:

Drive-by Argument, Chris Gorman Band, All My Logic, Mummy Short Arms, Gregor James (formerly of Rolla), After Christmas, My Final Wish, Daedalian, What the Dead Know, Airstrip Won, One Life Lived, Voodoo Blue, Regis, Dave McArthur Band, Kinky Wizards, G to the power 1D, Punkture, DJ FAD, Chester Says and The Fools.

[edit] Location

Stewarton is located on the river Annick in a rural part of North Ayrshire (though it is technically a part of the county of East Ayrshire) 6 miles to the North of Kilmarnock and to the East of Irvine. In the past Stewarton served as a waypoint between the traditional routes from Kilmarnock, Irvine and Ayr to the city of Glasgow, though in recent times a new motorway has bypassed the town. The old road is known as the "auld glasgae road" and still used by Stewarton residents, however its appeal to residents of the larger surrounding towns has been significantly lessened due to the creation of the new road.

[edit] References

  • Adamson, Archibald R. (1875). Rambles Round Kilmarnock. Pub. Kilmarnock. p.156.
  • Best, Nicholas (1999). The Kings and Queens of Scotland. Pub. London. ISBN 0-297-82489-9.
  • Dobie, James (1876). Pont's Cunnighame. Pub. Glasgow.
  • Hewitt, Davie (2006). Personal communication.
  • MacGibbon, T. and Ross, D. (1887-92). The castellated and domestic architecture of Scotland from the twelfth to the eighteenth centuries, 5v, Edinburgh, Vol.3, 495.

Coordinates: 55°40′N 4°30′W