Stevens Point Area Catholic Schools

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The Stevens Point Area Catholic Schools (SPACS) is a private, PreK-12 Catholic school system in Stevens Point, Wisconsin, in the Diocese of La Crosse. A consolidation of 6 parish schools, SPACS includes 1 early childhood center (preschool), 3 elementary schools (K-5), 1 middle school (6-8), and 1 high school (9-12). SPACS is supported by 7 local parishes:

St. Bronislava, St. Joseph, St. Stanislaus Kostka, St. Stephens, St. Peters, Newman, and St. Mary (Immaculate Conception) of Torun.

Our alumni and friends across the country have heard the Catholic schools of the Stevens Point area referred to as "SPACS". This, of course, is an acronym for the Stevens Point Area Catholic Schools. But most remember Catholic education as each parish having its own separate grade school. This is the way things were until the schools came under the joint, central administration of the SPACS Area Commission in 1967. The Stevens Point Area Catholic Schools have one educational and spiritual philosophy, with 6 separate school buildings to better meet the student's needs at each stage of growth and development.

SPACSincludes the following schools: