Stefan Żeromski
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Stefan Żeromski (['stεfan žε'romski] ; October 14, 1864 - November 20, 1925) was a Polish novelist.
In recognition of his literary achievements, he was granted the privilege of using an apartment at the Royal Castle in Warsaw. He was regarded as a leading contender for the Nobel Prize in literature.
[edit] Works
- Approach of Spring (Przedwiośnie)
- The Labors of Sisyphus (Syzyfowe prace) - about Tsarist efforts to Russify the Russian-occupied part of Poland, in the 19th and 20th centuries.
- Ashes (Popioły, 1902 – 1903)
- The Faithful River (Wierna rzeka, 1912)
- Diary
- Ravens and Crows Will Peck Us to Pieces (Rozdziobią nas kruki, wrony)
- Homeless People (Ludzie bezdomni, 1899)
- A Story of Sin (Dzieje grzechu)
- Elegy for a Hetman (Duma o hetmanie)
- Sułkowski
- The Rose (Róża)
- The Charm of Life (Uroda życia)
- Struggles with Satan (Walka z szatanem)
- Wind from the Sea (Wiatr od morza)
- The Little Quail (Przepióreczka)