Timeline of Faerûn: States-Northkeep

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This is the third of a series of articles following the description of Timeline of Faerûn. Dates are in Dalereckoning.


[edit] States-Northkeep:The Survivor States to the Sinking of Northkeep

[edit] -333

The elves of Eaerlann allow some Netherese to settle in Ascalhorn, provided they relearn elven magic and abandon their abusive powers of the past centuries. To practice any Netherese magics in the city is a great crime, and is punishable by banishment or death.

[edit] -331

The elven armies of Cormanthyr and Rystal Wood finally break the greater defenses of the Twisted Tower and destroy all remaining drow slavers within the tower. The Tower is left in the hands of good dark elf allies, and it becomes a great temple to Eilistraee within a century. The Soldier's Blade is lost during this great battle, captured by the drow in their slaying of Lord Orym Hawksong during the fall of the Twisted Tower. The blade and the body of Lord Orym are taken down into the Underdark as spoils of war by the fleeing drow.

[edit] -326

The lich Wulgreth destroys a city built near Karsus's stony dead form in retribution.

[edit] -320

The dwarven nation of Delzoun is attacked by balor tanar'ri. The dwarves begin fighting a ceaseless battle that lasts night and day for 120 years.

[edit] -315

After a number of raids and a short siege, Zazesspur falls once again to the barbarians. It is rebuilt as a Tethyrian fortified town, and named Fort Karlag.

[edit] c.-310s

In gratitude for their aid in the Shadow Wars, the Coronal allows the settlement of some reformed, surface-acclimated drow into some remote lands of Cormanthyr to the east of Cormanthor.

[edit] -307

Tethyrian clans, under the rule of Warlord Karlag, conquer the Calishaite garrison at Myratma, which they rename Artrimmar. King Saldrinar vanishes suddenly, leaving the throne of Westgate to his only apprentice, Mather, known posthumously as "Wyrmshroud."

[edit] -301

Mather Wyrmshroud dies defending Westgate from the concerted attacks of three black dragons from the lands of the Forest Kingdom. Glaurauth, a warrior who is Mather's closest friend and the captain of the city guard, succeeds the fallen wizard-king. Known as "the Great," Glaurauth becomes monarch of Westgate at a time when the city is still the northernmost human settlement in the western Inner Sea lands.

[edit] c.-300

Westgate ruled by King Glaurauth.

[edit] -298

The city of Karse is built.

[edit] -297

Thieves who manage to loot most of the royal treasury steal King Glaurauth's regalia, the Crown and Scepter of Saldrinar. The king's wizards pursue the thieves inland from their anchorage at what is now Procampur, but the wealth of Westgate's monarch is eventually lost in Elvenblood Pass, located north of the Vast, when a horde of orcs falls on Glaurauth's agents.

[edit] -294

The Coronal Luszoch rises to power in Aryselmalyr, and makes veiled threats to all allied and subject powers during his forst tour of the empire. While no one acts outwardly, all forces prepare for war but wait for the belligerent coronal to make the wrong move.

[edit] -293

The Warlord Karlag falls at the battle for the garrison-town of Calimaronn. Another clan chieftain, Mong Ithal, leads the clans to victory. Calimaronn, as well as the river it fords, is named Ithmong, after Ithal.

[edit] -291

Netherese citizens fleeing conflicts between the Survivor States begin to filter into Cormanthyr. King Glaurauth of Westgate dies of heartstop. As his three offspring all died before reaching their tenth year, the aged monarch leaves his throne in turn to his successor as captain of the city guard, Thorndaer of the Golden Helm.

[edit] -288

At Ithmong, Calimshan accedes independence to the lands of Tethyr and its' people. The chiefs of Tethyr's clans create a ruling Council of Clans.

[edit] -287

The city of Karse falls victim to the begrudging followers who believe the god Karsus is a sham.

[edit] -286

Westgate falls during the course of a single night to a small army of elite mercenaries who emerge from catacombs beneath the city. By morning's light, King Thorndaer and his entire family are dead, and King Orlak rules over the oldest port in the western Inner Sea region. Until the end of his reign, the Night King holds court only after the sun has set, is never seen during daylight hours, and always keeps his entire face (except his eyes) shrouded with a black-and-white-hatched porcelain mask, leading many to suspect (correctly) that the long-lived monarch of Westgate is a vampire.

[edit] -278

Tethyr's Council of Clans falls apart due to the greed of younger chiefs and the passing of the warlords who freed the land from Calimshan. The clans fall into infighting for the next 60 years.

[edit] -276

Jhaamdath begins construction on the largest navy yet seen on the Inner Sea.

[edit] -272

Citadel Adbar is completed this year.

[edit] -255

Jhaamdath, a long-time rival of Calimshan, falls to a tidal wave summoned by the elven High Mages of Nikerymath. The resulting cataclysm inundates Jhaamdath, forming what is known known as the Vilhon Reach. Fall of Aryselmalyr. Coronal Esahl Vesahliir and more than 40,000 sea elves and other aquatic sentients die instantly when the Esahlbane Monolith shatters Coryselmal. Start of the Sixth Serôs War. After the destruction of Coryselmal and the end of the Aryselmalyr Empire, all the once subject powers of the Inner Sea vie for control of Serôs.

[edit] c.-250

Emigration of settlers across the Inner Sea from ruined Jhaamdath to what will become Thesk, Impiltur, and the Vast. Calimshan, under Syl-Pasha Faud yn Orun el Evyrtaan, reclaims some small areas and towns among the Arnaden lands of the Lake of Steam, now that Jhaamdath's control on these lands has fallen along with its primary cities..

[edit] -249

General Halflar and his men storm Venom's lair and kill the green wyrm. Unfortunately, they also find out that Venom is not one dragon, but two. The entire force is killed when the second dragon attacks them.

[edit] -240

End of the Elf Purges. After fifteen years, the worst of the backlash against the sea elves of the Inner Sea dies down. Those who survived the attacks from koalinth, merfolk, and locathah zealots, and the newly returned (and far more evil) morkoth do so by use of magic (including High magic) and some Dukar protection.

[edit] -238

Start of the Second Dukars' War. After seventeen years of constant skirmishes amid the powers of the central sea (and a resurgence of the sahaugin presence due to lack of order at the Pillars of the Trident), the Dukar Orders of Jhimari and Numos take proactive steps toward maintaining the peace by attempting to found a Dukar kingdom centered on Myth Nantar: Nantarum.

[edit] -231

Three entire clans of elves fleeing Serôs (the Inner Sea) to save their lives and those of their children migrate to lake Sember within the elven nation of Cormanthyr.

[edit] -230

Calimshan attacks Tethyr, seizing Ithmong and Myratma. Able workers (more than a third of the population) of both these towns are enslaved and brought to Calimport to work on the new Pasha's Palace. The 1,480 warriors among the 5,500 new slaves are all sentenced to the new Djen Arena, where many of them fight to the death against monsters and each other for the amusement of the masses.

[edit] -227

Calimport increases in population and area to its largest size ever, its true citizens numbering more than 75,000. For the next eight centuries, Calimport remains the largest and most frequented port on Faerun's shores. Shyael Ildacer is born.

[edit] -223

The Sixth Rysar of Cormanthor begins with the realm's greatest warrior Eltargrim taking up the Ruler's Blade and taking his first steps toward magic (and High Magic).

[edit] -221

Chief Clovis Ithal of Tethyr dies at the Ithmong Slaughter. His son Darrom rallied the Tethyrians and led them into the city, defeating the Calishites.

[edit] -220

King Darrom of Tethyr marries the half-elven Saraala of Clan Tarseth. End of the Second Dukars' War/End of Nantarum. Under mysterious circumstances, the powerful undersea city-state of Nantarum loses the war for the Hmur Plateau while under siege by the merfolk forces of "King" Ristan. Forces at the siege noted only a strange humming rising from the mythal and numerous discharges of magical energy lighting the night-darkened sea. When the beseigers swam into the city, they found the only person left alive; the sea elf Dukar Yupal Narlis, his mind destroyed. His thirty Dukar followers and "nobility" stood along the avenue leading to the Council Academy of the Dukars, all transformed into coral statues with looks of contrition on their faces.

[edit] -215 to 750

The Third Epoch (Time of the Merfolk) of Seros (the Inner Sea). This Epoch covers the rise and fall of the merfolk empire of Hmur, as well as the rise of the sahuagin empire of Aleaxtis.

[edit] -215

End of the Sixth Serôs War. The new powers of Serôs are shalarin As'arem, the morkoth Theocracy of the Deep Ones, and the merfolk Kingdom of Hmurrath. The rise of Hmurrath signals the start of the Third Epoch.

[edit] -212

At the Battle of the Purple Marches, Myratma falls to the Tethyrians, forcing the second Calishite surrender of Tethyr. Darrom (-237 to -183), son of Clovis, founds the Ithal dynasty, and becomes the first King of Tethyr. Year 0 in Tethyreckoning. Awakening of the beast Ulfoq in the Great Glacier. The beast devours dozens of Nakulutians before returning to its Crevasse. It has not been seen since.

[edit] -210

Anauria gains its independence from the other two Netheril survivor states.

[edit] -206

Jassin Aunglor, a moon elf warrior, sneaks into Venom's lair and attacks the green wyrm. Venom's lair collapses in the conflict, burying Venom, Jassin, and Jassin's moonblade beneath tons of rock. Mistale Audark, wife of the late General Halflar, requests that she and the remainder of the Audark Clan be transformed into baelnorn to protect the Vale of Lost Voices. The Crown Prince of Tethyr, Darrom Ithal II, dies of a fever.

[edit] -205

Chapter 2 of "Cormyr: A Novel" Lord of Scepters Illiphar Nelnueve of House Amaratharr is granted rule of the colony forests of the Forest Country (Cormyr) upon his besting of Thauglorimorgorus the Black Doom in a dragons' duel of honor. Orc hordes engulf Rystall Wood throughout the year, with the worst hordes arriving in winter. Anauria's success as an independent city-state convinces Hlondath and Asram to abandon memories of Netheril.

[edit] c.-200

Candlekeep founded; calendar of Harptos begun. The humans who are to become the first of the Dalesmen cross the Dragon Reach to the southern reaches of Cormanthor. Start of the Fifth Age of Calimshan.

[edit] -200

The completion of Ithalyr, the first royal palace of Tethyr, on the seashore cliffs of the Purple Hills. Coronal Eltargrim declares Semberholme and its environs as an elven sanctuary and refuge. Syl-Pasha Kalil el Evyrtaan dies from thousands of viper bites, a magical trap laid by some of his closest advisors. Vizar Asraf el Majizar rules over the start of the Fifth Age of Calimshan, and Calimport becomes a more organized city with structured trade and skilled-workers' guilds.

[edit] -189

Shyllisyrr Ithal, elven wife of Corin Ithal (uncle of King Darrom Ithal of Tethyr) dies of a snake bite. Beginning of six years of escalating unrest between Tethyr's elves and humans.

[edit] -188

Despite a good heart and a business sense that nearly doubled the trade coming to Calimshan, Syl-Pasha Malik yn Asraf el Majizar dies under assassins' knives on the third day of this year. The Throne Wars: The assassination of Syl-Pasha Malik begins more than two years of conflict that ranges from trade wars to military campaigns against cities. Fourteen different Calephs claim the throne of Calimport (and symbolically Calimshan) by years end, none of whom hold the post for more than 62 days. Seven different series of fires (known collectively as the Throne Fires) engulf eastern and southern Calimport in this year, set by rival factions fighting for the throne.

[edit] -187

28 more rulers claim the Caleph's Throne in Calimport. By Midwinter, all true unity among the cities of Calimshan has shattered. All areas of the empire stand individually, many claiming to be the true heart of the empire and hoping to grab more land and control for themselves. The Throne Wars end with the rise to power of the once-meek wizard vizar Tasyn el Tarshaj yi Manshaka. The Tarshaj dynasty (four brothers and their families, of whom Tasyn was the elder) simultaneously conquer the cities of Manshaka, Memnon, Calimport, and Almraiven, thus unifying the Pasha's Lands for the first time in nearly two years. Syl-Pasha Tasyn's first chores are to rebuild the capital and reconquer the rest of Calimshan.

[edit] -183

King Darrom of Tethyr is assassinated on orders of Amir I, head of Clan Tarseth. Silvam (-209 to -118), 2nd son of Darrom, is King of Tethyr.

[edit] -182

Calimshan, in its attempts to reconquer its old territories around the Lake of Steam and the Shaar, discover that the old threat of the beholders has risen again. Beholders and their cultists control the majority of territory east of Ankhapur and are now pushing their forces west in retaliation against the Calishite invasions.

[edit] -180

Amir Tarseth's role in the assassination of King Darrom is uncovered by his sons, Amir II and Ra'id II. The two sons slay their father to restore the family's honor. Laummas the Liegelord becomes a lich.

[edit] -173

Varytha Ithal, missing daughter of Corin Ithal of Tethyr, returns to Tethyr to warn of a coming goblin horde. The Perry Accords are signed by Tethyr and Calimshan. Their architect, Florian Perry, becomes the first Count of Tethyr.

[edit] -172

Florian Perry, the First Ambassador of Tethyr, travels to Calimport to negotiate a long-lasting peace between the two countries. The Moonrise elves settle Ssrenshen, under Moonrise Crag.

[edit] c.-170

The Eshowe begin a 300-year war with the Tabaxi of Chult.

[edit] -170

Zahyra Bardson-Ithal becomes the first Court Vizera of Tethyr. She creates the magical Shield of Silvam. Beginning of the Eye Tyrant Wars: Calimshan allies with Tethyr and Iltkazar to fight the risen beholder powers of the Lake of Steam, which have pushed back Calishite aggressors and are now advancing into eastern Tethyr. Almraiven falls to beholders within the first three months of the year, and Suldophor follows by Greengrass. Though a longer struggle, the beholders control the Spider Swamp and the southern Forest of Mir by the end of Kythorn. This prevents much transfer of troops from western Calimshan save directly into beholder-controlled strongholds.

[edit] -169

Rumor's of Ioulaum's continued existence begin circulating when an arcanist, Tabra, claims to have been an apprentice of Ioulaum.

[edit] -167

The Storming of the Qatarn Hills: In the first five days of Uktar, King Silvam of Tethyr leads the Fourth Army to victory over nine beholders and thrice their own army's forces. The beholders occupy Volothamp and Schamedar by year's end, though their entrenchment within eastern Calimshan overextends their reach, and they lose control of Ankhapur, one of their largest surface strongholds.

[edit] -166

The human realms declare victory in the Eye Tyrant Wars, though alliances remain to pursue renegade beholders for the next few years among all their lands (Calimshan, Tethyr, and Iltkazar). Birth of Baerauble Etharr, the first Lord High Mage of Cormyr (-166 to 429DR).

[edit] -161

The alliance of Calimshan, Tethyr, and Iltkazar forged during the Eye Tyrant Wars dissolves by this year.

[edit] -160

A cairn (undead stone giant) called Dodkong or "King of Death" begins wandering the western Realms.

[edit] -153

Proeskampalar (present-day Procampur), is founded by dwarves and quickly becomes an important trading partner of Westgate.

[edit] c.-150

The great conflagration. Narfell and Raumathar are destroyed in one final battle. Monsters and minor powers summoned in the last battle invade the South after the battle ends.

[edit] -150

The syl-pasha of Calimshan grants the lands west of the Forest of Mir and north of the river Memnon to Tethyr, moving Tethyr's southern border to its' present-day boundaries. While many in Tethyr believe this a reward for their aid in the Eye Tyrant Wars, it is really a political move to depower Calishite nobles amassing power against the syl-pasha.

[edit] -148

The God Kings final battle. An alliance of the Summoned is defeated and they are sent back to their home planes.

[edit] -137

The Chultian city of Mezro is sacked. A company of paladins from the Vilhon Reach in service to the Morninglord overthrows the Night King of Westgate. Following the vampire's destruction, the group's commander, Dawnknight Gen Soleilon, is crowned king of Westgate in the undead monarch's stead. The Radiant King rules wisely for many years, rebuilding Westgate's fortunes and establishing the Soleilon dynasty. The paladin-king's most notable accomplishment is the erection of the city's first stone walls and the construction of an extensive sewer system. Unbeknownst to the general populace, Westgate's deepest catacombs remain home to at least a dozen vampires created by their former monarch. The undead legacies of Orlak war amongst themselves for nearly a year before a new Night King is chosen to rule Westgate's underworld. From this day forward, the Argraal of Orlak and the Fangs of the Night King are held by the preeminent vampire "descended" from the original Night King. Any vampire that slays the Night King assumes the bloody chalice, the dagger hilt with twin poniard blades, and the title in turn. On those rare occasions when the Night King is not slain by a rival vampire, all of Orlak's existing "descendants" war amongst themselves for the title until a single candidate reigns supreme (a feat most commonly achieved by killing all potential rivals and then creating a new group of servitor vampires).

[edit] -135

The Raumathari city of Kensten is rebuilt by Mulhorand. Official founding of the modern city of Bezantur. Other cities are soon built on the coastal areas of the Wizard's Reach as Mulhorand and Unther once again expand northward. The Shaking Plague strikes several cities in Calimshan.

[edit] -133

Great sea-storms erupt along the Sword Coast this spring. On Midsummer's Night, a great wave engulfs the city of Velen, killing half its' population.

[edit] -118

Nishan (-179 to -98), 2nd son of Silvam, King of Tethyr.

[edit] -110

Akkabar el Shoon is born in Myratma. Ualair the Silent is born.

[edit] -108

Start of the Seventh Serôs War. The morkoth theocracy of the Deep One attack Es'rath and Hmurrath on two fronts. They free the Emerald Eye of Kyron, using it with astonishing effectiveness.

[edit] -106

House Tanor'Thal creates the waterfall in the Shaft of Undermountain. End of the Seventh Serôs War. The war ends with the surprising appearance of long-hidden triton forces from the deeper trenches of the sea. Breaking the back of the morkoth Theocracy and sending the morkoth fleeing back into the depths, the tritons help maintain the balance among the shalarin and the morkoth on the floor of Serôs.

[edit] -105

Drow of House Tanor'Thal uncover a lost temple to Lolth in Undermountain.

[edit] -104

The Emerald Eye of Kyron, after some study, is secretly sealed within the black coral walls of Vynagyr, under the Inner Sea.

[edit] c.-100

Fall of Delzoun to encroaching phaerimm and other dangers; only scattered surface Citadels survive.

[edit] -99

Court Vizera Zahyra Bardson-Ithal of Tethyr dies. Her successor to Court Vizera is Princess Rhynda.

[edit] -98

Garynor (-159 to -75), 1st son of Nishan, King of Tethyr.

[edit] -97

Lady Symrustar Auglamyr is born.

[edit] -94

The 16-year old Akkabar el Shoon arrives in Tethyr and becomes a pupil of the Vizera Princess Rhynda on his reputation as a prodigy in Art.

[edit] -91

Ithmong is besieged for a month by a combined force of goblins and ogres. A temple of Labelas Enoreth is founded in Semberholme. The Moonshadows are established as a frontier scouting/fighting force by the army of Cormanthyr. King Gen dies in his sleep, leaving the throne of Westgate to his eldest child and only son. The reign of King Lemere I, known as the Merchant King for his unceasing efforts to promote trade, is notable for the rapid increase in commercial activity between Westgate and southern realms such as Tethyr and Calimshan.

[edit] -88

Akkabar el Shoon leaves the tutelage of Princess Rhynda of Tethyr and begins his movement among Calishite society and business, selling his powerful magical abilities to the highest bidders. Within four months, Akkabar is a near-permanent fixture within Calimport society and his political savvy is only outmatched by his magic.

[edit] -87

Tarkhadale, an early northern Dale allied with Asram and Hlondath, falls to an orc horde.

[edit] -86

By this time, a large enclave of pirates dominates the seacoasts of Tethyr, operating out of the ruins of Velen and the northwestern part of the peninsula. In response to the pirate threat, Tethyr re-occupies the fortress of Zazessovertan. The moon elves of clan Tsornyl establish the settlement of Tsornyl.

[edit] -83

By this time, waves and storms have washed away the seacoast around Ithalyr (the Tethyrian Royal Palace), turning it into an island accessible only by stone bridges.

[edit] -78

Akkabar el Shoon marries the fifth daughter of the Syl-Pasha of Calimshan on Midsummer. As a wedding gift, Akkabar becomes the Syl-Vizar (and ruler) of Memnon.

[edit] -77

By Midwinter, the deaths of nearly all members of the royal family of Calimshan places Akkabar el Shoon on the Caleph's Throne, as he had planned.

[edit] -75

Chapter 4 of "Cormyr: A Novel" The nation of Rashemen is officially founded. King Garynor Ithal of Tethyr dies suddenly. Rhynda (-159 to -45), twin sister of Garynor, becomes Regent Princess of Tethyr. She arranges a marriage between the daughter of Syl-Pasha Akkabar el Shoon of Calimshan and her own son, the future King Nishan II to ensure the stability of both realms despite objecting nobles on both sides. The realm of Teshar is founded in the cleared lands between Rystall Wood and Cormanthor.

[edit] -74

Marsember is founded for the first time, and Westgate cedes its status as the northernmost port in the western Inner Sea region. Trade across the Neck and into the Lake of Dragons begins to slowly increase. Late in the year, King Lemere I of Westgate dies of a wasting disease carried into the city by trade emissaries from the newly founded port of Marsember. The throne of Westgate passes to his only child, Crown Prince Lemere II. Within a year, the newly crowned monarch concludes a whirlwind courtship of Lady Lharida of Tethyr, the eldest child of Rhynnel Ithal, the head of Clan Ithal.

[edit] -69

The Third Shalarin Passing. For once, the shalarin arrive to a peaceful Serôs, and quickly establish two more shalarin kingdoms within thirty years: Es'daan and Es'purr. Founding of the Timesong Calendar in the lands of Serôs.

[edit] -68

The Dawnmaid, the newly built flagship of the Westgate royal navy, is scuttled in the harbor by merrow from the aquatic kingdom of Khuur. King Lemere II and much of his court either drown or fall prey to the sea ogres' talons, as the attack is launched during royal ball held aboard the ship to commemorate its christening. The crown of Westgate passes to the only son of King Lemere II, the four-year-old Crown Prince Ryndarth. The Boy King survives the tumultuous early years of his reign thanks to the wise regency of his mother, Queen Regent Lharida Ithal-Soleilon.

[edit] -64

Nishan II (-79 to -6), 2nd grandnephew of Garynor, King of Tethyr. The elven realm of Rystall Wood falls in its Twelfth Rysar to giants and orcs. The survivors either remain in Yrlaancel or migrate to Cormanthyr.

[edit] -55

Queen Regent Lharida of Westgate consumes a virulent poison concealed within her supper during a state dinner with representatives from Tethyr's royal court and dies immediately. Her only son, King Ryndarth I, takes up the mantle of leadership. Much of the Boy King's reign is consumed with his fruitless hunt for his mother's killer or killers. Diplomatic relations with Tethyr collapse during his reign, although mercantile activity between the two realms continues to flourish.

[edit] -54

The pirates of Velen establish themselves in the isles of the Nelanther. The gold elf clan of Aluianti, tired of political strife in Cormanthor, settle in the village of Aluianti.

[edit] -53

[edit] -52

The Flower Plague spreads through several of Calimshan's cities.

[edit] -46

Birth of Endeir "The Falcon" Falconhand, a retainer of the Rayburton family and ancestor of Florin Falconhand (-46 to 44DR).

[edit] -45

Mulhorand attacks Rashemen through the Gorge of Gauros, and is repulsed.

[edit] -44

King Nishan II of Tethyr launches a major attack against the pirates of the Nelanther. The pirates are defeated at the Channel Battle. The first Black Alaric, founder of the Nelanther pirates, dies in battle.

[edit] -37

The first recorded settlement of Alaghon. Clan Karlag of Tethyr makes peace with the elves after 50 years of skirmishes, feuds, and royal disfavor. ===-33===d kills her. During the conflict, each goddess unleashes a series of virulent plagues upon Asram, hoping to draw power from the peoples' prayers. Asram falls victim to the plagues, from which there are no survivors.

[edit] c.-30

Ochir Naal, the Prophet of Tiamat, is killed.

[edit] -29

Starmantle is founded, beginning a mercantile rivalry with Westgate that lasts for centuries. Despite the efforts of the rulers of both cities to crush their trade adversaries, the ensuing competition actually makes both ports wealthier by increasing the overall volume of trade passing through the Dragon Coast region.

[edit] -27

King Ryndarth I of Westgate dies suddenly, as his heart stops one night while he is asleep. His eldest son, Crown Prince Ryndarth II, is apparently crowned king and rules Westgate unchallenged for nearly a year. Before the year ends, however, an army of Mulan mercenaries, led by Great Lord Ashtukzu of Unther, deposes King Ryndarth II. The Untheric noble reveals that his predecessor was actually a doppelganger who had secretly slain both King Ryndarth I and the Crown Prince and then assumed the identity of the latter. Best known for initiating the tradition of Masquerade Balls in Westgate, the doppelganger monarch is known posthumously as the Masque King. As monarch, King Ashtukzu I ignores Gilgeam's orders to make Westgate a vassal state swearing fealty to Unther's god-king, choosing instead to preserve the city-state's traditional independence. Despite Ashtukzu's rebellion against Gilgeam's planned westward extension of Unther's influence, the first king of the Mulan dynasty is instrumental in improving Westgate's trading ties with ports on the eastern Inner Sea.

[edit] -25

Expansionist policies grip Tethyr's eastern clans.

[edit] -23

Clans Rivarrow, Ithal, and Bardson unite to clear the eastern end of Tethyr of ogres. They divide the newly-gained territory between them.

[edit] -21

Braerindra becomes the Watchnorn of Castle Cormanthor.

[edit] -16

The Plague of Scholars strikes cities across southern Faerun, as far north as Baldur's Gate; lethargy and and heavy sleep leads to coma and death, as some unknown agency poisons vast amounts of ink and quills used by scribes, scholars, and business folk.

[edit] -9

Clan Fyrson of Tethyr goes outlaw and joins the pirates of the Nelanther. The Circle of Flames, a wizard's cabal, forms in the city of Cormanthor. The group consists mainly of retired or current Akh'Faer wizards and their apprentices.

[edit] -8

Great Lord Thunn, nephew of King Ashtukzu I, arrives in Westgate from Unther on a trade mission from Unthalass. Within a tenday of his arrival, Thunn's uncle dies suddenly, several hours after naming Thunn as his heir to the throne. King Thunn's reign is marked by incessant civil strife as Westgate's populace fiercely resists the usurper king's efforts to impose the authority of Gilgeam on this distant port city.

[edit] -6

During Tethyrian King Nishal II's birthday celebrations, Ithalyr falls under siege by pirates and the outlawed Clan Fyrson. More than two-thirds of the pirate fleet is sunk, but Ithalyr burns and most of the nobility is slain. Syl-Pasha Shoon of Calimshan secretly arranged the coup, but his attempts to link the murders to the rising mercantile power of the Rundeen fails. End of the Ithal Dynasty in Tethyr and beginning of the Shoon Dynasty (the Shoon Traitorum).

[edit] -5

Amahl I (-60 to -2), Calishite brother of the late Queen Arhymeria Ithal, becomes King of Tethyr. He establishes a new court and palace within the walls of Fort Karlag, which is soon given its original name of Zazesspur.

[edit] -3

King Amahl I of Tethyr dies from poisoning at a banquet. Amahl II (-37 to 15), nephew of Amahl I, King of Tethyr. Amahl II immediately sets about scourging the Ithal lands, as Clan Ithal is dangerous to the new regime for its' once-close blood ties to the fallen Ithal Dynasty.

[edit] -2

After 18 months of war, Ithmong is sacked and burnt by Shoon forces. Nearly all of Clan Ithal is killed as traitors. King Amahl II of Tethyr swears fealty to Syl-Pasha Shoon of Calimshan at Greengrass upon his victory, marking the true start of the Shoon Imperium with Akkabar's rule over both Calimshan and Tethyr.

[edit] -1

Zazessovertan's garrison is withdrawn by King Amahl II of Tethyr, leaving it abandoned. The ruins of Ithmong's walls and buildings are moved south piece by piece to build a new capital at Shoonach. Former Clan Ithal supporters are enslaved and made to haul stone ten miles south to the new city for the next ten years. Akkabar the Younger, eldest grandson of the syl-pasha of Calimshan, dies in a tavern brawl in Memnon that is later revealed to be a revenge assassination by vengeful Tethyrian clansmen. As the father of King Amahl II of Tethyr and the proclaimed heir of Syl-Pasha Shoon, his death brings much suffering to Tethyr.

[edit] 0

The treants of Semberholme complete their migration to the south of Lake Sember.

[edit] 1

The Standing Stone is raised by the elves of Cormanthyr and the Dalesmen, starting the Dalereckoning Calendar. Empire of Shoon (Iltkazar) in Calimshan.

[edit] 3

Rise of the sahuagin empire of Aleaxtis. The sea devils emerge from a century of war with the merrow of the Alamber to claim more than half of that sea as their own.

[edit] 4

Ioulaum is reportedly slain in a spellbattle with a cabal of alhoon (illithiliches). Ashtukzu II, son of King Ashtukzu I and a Turami noblewoman, besieges Westgate with a force of mercenaries from Alaghôn. The inhabitants of Westgate rise up in open rebellion, and King Thunn is drowned in the small river that drains into Westgate's harbor and forever after bears his name.

[edit] 5

The syl-pasha establishes gates between various sites in Calimport and his new imperial capital rising at Shoonach.

[edit] 6

Chapter 6 of "Cormyr: A Novel" Ondeth Obarskyr and his family settle in the forest of Cormyr.

[edit] c.10

The city of Suzail is founded.

[edit] 10

The Netheril region is renamed Anauroch after the greatest of its' two survivor states.

[edit] 12

Rise of the Triton Protectorate of Vuuvax beneath the waters of the Inner Sea.

[edit] 15

Amahl III (-14 to 50), son of Amahl II, becomes Emperor of the Shoon Empire. The syl-pasha of Calimshan moves his court and much of the empire's power to Shoonach. As Calimport remains the primary port for his empire even though it is no longer the capital, Syl- Pasha Akkabar Shoon establishes a tightly controlled puppet dynasty on the Caleph's Throne.

[edit] 16

Chapter 8 of "Cormyr: A Novel"

[edit] 20

The human Calendar of Harptos adopts the elven holiday of Cinnaelos 'Cor ("The Day of Corellon's Peace") and renames it Shieldmeet, celebrating it every four years since. Iljak grows into a major trade city. Few villages remain outside a 50-mile radius of the expanding city.

[edit] 25

Church of Deneir founded.

[edit] 26

Chapter 10 of "Cormyr: A Novel" The human realm of Cormyr is founded by Obarskyr family; the Elder Kings begin their reign. 1 CR (Cormyrean Reckoning). Faerlthann (? to 55), 1st King of Cormyr.

[edit] 27

The syl-pasha of Calimshan dies under mysterious circumstances while enchanting magical items in his chambers deep beneath the Imperial Mount of Shoonach. King Amahl III succeeds his great-great-grandfather as ruler of Calimshan and Tethyr. After establishing another puppet regime on Tethyr's throne, Amahl III crowns himself Qysar ("emperor") Amahl Shoon III of the Shoon Imperium. Rahman (4 to 63), son-in-law of Emperor Amahl III, becomes King of Tethyr. Start of the Sixth Age of Calimshan, also known as the Age of Shoon.

[edit] 34

The Melairkyn clan of Undermountain is decimated by a drow onslaught; dwarven rulership ends with death of King Melair IV (buried in the Lost Level).

[edit] 37

King Ashtukzu II of Westgate is slain by assassins, although their employer is never discovered. The royal line of succession is thrown into dispute as the stepson and illegitimate half- brother of Ashtukzu II battle for the crown of Westgate. After three months of civil war, both men are slain on the very same night, mere hours after the arrival of a trade envoy from Unther, Great Lord Hurnmul. Fearing that Hurnmul seeks once again to impose Gilgeam's will on the city, Westgate's senior nobles blame Gilgeam's agents for the king's assassination and for fomenting the chaos that ensued. After a week of battles in the streets between the trade envoy's "bodyguards" and the nobles' private militias, Great Lord Hurnmul and his troops are driven from the city. Within the hour, the late king's seneschal, Kergaard Twinblade is crowned as king of Westgate. King Kergaard is universally acknowledged as a weak king, wholly beholden to the nobility. His reign marks the beginning of a period of decline for Westgate as royal authority slowly unravels.

[edit] 44

The Night of Ringing Shields celebrates the creation of the three Demonbane Shields by Anachtyr's clergy in the Alimir mountains.

[edit] c.50

The Vilhon Reach grows. By this time, Hlondeth establishes itself as both a port city and a major landmark along the Tunway. The cities of Mussum, Samra, and Arrabar spring up along the southeastern shores of the Vilhon. Daroush, Torl, and Asple are established on the northwestern shore.

[edit] 50

Qysar Amahl Shoon III dies and is succeeded by Qysar Shoon I.

[edit] 52

The first permanent farms are established in the Waterdeep area by locally settling tribes.

[edit] 53

Sundryl Aeravansel leaves the city of Cormanthor and never returns. The reason for this is some grudge that Sundryl held with the Coronal and Sundryl's attachment to the eastern woods.

[edit] 61

Qysar Shoon I decrees the establishment of the Wizard's Consortiums of all the cities of his realm, to which attendance is mandatory for all wizards. Those who resist are slain, and soon Shoon I knows of nearly every mage within his domain, which allows him better control over such forces.

[edit] 63

Leodom I (35 to 97), 5th son of Rahman, King of Tethyr.

[edit] 68

Saeval Ammath is born into House Ammath, and numerous portents indicate he will become the Archmage of the House later in life. Drow raiding Mount Melairbode establish the prison adjoining the Lost Level of Undermountain.

[edit] 75

Plague racks the civilized Realms (Empires of the Sands, Vilhon). More than 50% of the total population of the Vilhon is killed in as little as 10 years. More than half of Westgate's inhabitants fall victim to the deadly plague spread by sailors from the Vilhon Reach, including King Kergaard, who dies without an heir. Hygaarth Croam, an itinerant priest of Ilmater, is instrumental in organizing the city's priesthoods to combat the epidemic. By the first frost, the plague has run its course and Westgate's surviving populace demands that the humble Hygaarth assume the mantle of kingship, thus establishing the Croam dynasty. Seeing the duties of rulership as another trial to be borne in the name of the god of suffering, Hygaarth rules ably for two decades until his death in the Year of the Mournful Harp. Qysar Shoon I of the Shoon Imperium dies and is succeeded by his third son, Qysar Shoon II. Alaundo the Seer arrives in Candlekeep. Moander the Darkbringer hurls his forces and the "creeping evil" against the elven city of Tsornyl, blighting much of the surrounding woods. The magic of Moander twists all life, both follower and victim alike, into corrupt monsters, including deepspawn and shambling mounds. While the evil could not be destroyed, High Magic severed the creeping evil from Moander and imprisoned the corruption at Tsornyl (soon to be called the Darkwatch). This weakened the Darkbringer's presence in Toril, though it cost the lives of thirty-two elves, including two High Mages, to sever and bind the power.

[edit] c.77

By this time, the dwarves are exterminated from all but three levels of Undermountain.

[edit] 87

Braerindra dies, becoming a baelnorn to protect Castle Cormanthor. She is known henceforth as the Watchnorn of Castle Cormanthor.

[edit] 97

Hazam (64 to 113), 3rd son (adoptive; wife's son) of Leodom I, King of Tethyr.

[edit] 100

The city of Athkatla is founded. Year 0 in Amnreckoning (little used except in official documents)

[edit] 101

Josidiah Starym is born to the gold elven House Starym of Myth Drannor, to his gold elf father and moon elf mother. He has his father's features and golden hair, but has his mother's uncanny sapphire-blue eyes, a strange combination for a noble gold elf child.

[edit] 106

Rhiiman "The Glorious" (? to 131), King of Cormyr.

[edit] 107

Qysar Shoon II dies and is succeeded by his first grandnephew, Qysar Shoon III. Hazamir el Aktorral, Syl-Pasha of Calimshan, is made riqysar (regent-emperor). Aktorral moves some of the Imperial Court back to Calimport and the surroundings he trusts rather than live in Shoonach.

[edit] 108

The First Great Flood of the river Alamber nearly destroys Unthalass.

[edit] 111

The kingdom of Anauria falls to an orc invasion, though it ensures the mutual destruction of the horde, and orc numbers are reduced for centuries in this area. (NOTE: The Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting mistakenly gives this date as c.200 DR)

[edit] 112

Cormyrean cartographers create the first recognized map of Cormyr, Cormanthor, and the Dalelands.

[edit] 113

Leodom II (85 to 136), 1st son of Hazam, King of Tethyr.

[edit] 123

With the death of el Aktorral this year, all governmental control of Calimshan and the Imperium moves to Shoonach until the fall of the Imperium. Calimport becomes merely the largest port, and its northern quarters become more and more deserted. During the next centuries, the walls around the port wards rise higher than ever to defend against intruders as more rogues take residence in the nearly empty upper city. Calimport Below also becomes larger and more populous during the Imperium, as neglect sees the collapse of many buildings and the rise in monstrous populations down below is a direct result of fewer garrisons in the Old City (as upper Calimport becomes known for 300 years).

[edit] 125

The city of Ormath is established on the Shining Plains. Hlondeth's population soars as a trade road - the Pikeman's Folly - is built between the two cities.

[edit] c.130

The Eshowe of Chult unleash Eshowdow the Shadow Giant.

[edit] 131

The Silver Swordpoint, a mercenary company led by the warrior Flaerivus Grevauldyn, is chartered in Athkatla.

[edit] 132

Dempster Turmish declares himself Mayor of Alaghon. He sends his mercinaries against his rivals. A brief, bloody civil war erupts in Alaghon, and Dempster emerges as undisputed leader. The official founding of Turmish. The mages of the Circle of Flames begin to record the Scrolls Ardentym this year.

[edit] 135

Arrabar's military forces wipe out the city of Mimph.

[edit] 136

Yusuf (109 to 136), 10th son of Leodom II, King of Tethyr. King Leodom III (117 to 175, original name Ali), 17th son of Leodom II, King of Tethyr. Shornthal Imynster becomes Magister (reigned 136-148DR).

[edit] 137

On the twelfth day of Flamerule, the army of Iljak engages the forces of Mussum along the Sandshore. The battle rages for a fortnight until early Eleasius, when Samran forces sack the city of Iljak and attack its forces on the unprotected left flank. Iljak surrenders, and the twin forces of Mussum and Samra enslave the survivors. King Dalious Croam, after two short years on the throne of Westgate, sets sail for the eastern reaches of the Sea of Fallen Stars on an extended trade mission. The heirless king appoints a member of the city's nobility as Croamarkh, a title that means "Voice of Croam," to govern in his stead during his planned lengthy absence. The Errant King, as King Dalious comes to be known, never returns to Westgate, although the nobility maintains the fiction that Westgate's absent monarch continues to wander the Realms long after he most certainly would have died of old age. For over a century, under the aegis of the absent Croam Dynasty, Westgate is governed by a series of Croamarkhs selected from the ranks of the nobility. The warrior Flaerivus Grevauldyn rescues a priestess of Mystra from an orc raiding band. She begins to teach him the rudiments of magic.

[edit] 139

By this time, the deforestation of the Chondalwood is in full swing. The city of Shamph is established along the Emerald Corridor, a road stretching from Shamph to Arrabar.

[edit] 141

The warrior-mage Flaerivus Grevauldyn defeats Thaerdimor, the self-styled Mage-King of Daerimathlor, in spell-battle.

[edit] 142

Citadel Adbar is built by King Adbarruns of the dwarves. Qysar Amahl Shoon IV is killed by his brother Amahl of the Nine Whirlwinds, who sweeps him off the Royal Mount at Shoonach with a gust of wind spell.

[edit] 143

Lumberjacks in the Chondalwood are halted by a large force of elves. Lord Anthony Illistine creates an alliance of the free cities of the region.

[edit] 144

Battle of Elven Tears. The alliance of free cities in Chondath attacks the elves. Ariel-Than, an elven city, is burned to the ground, and more than 2,000 elves die in the war. The survivors reportedly flee deeper into the wood to the city of Rucien-Xan, a mythical elven home. Six months after the Battle of Elven Tears, Lord Anthony Illistine is named governor of Chondath, and the city-states are finally united under one leader.

[edit] 145

Dempster Turmish continues his campaign to conquer the Vilhon area. Hlondeth is besieged. Alaghonian forces are unable to mount an effective siege without closing off access to the Vilhon, and after six months Dempster ends the siege. Lady Ahskahala Durothil is born at Semberholme to Lady Uschymna and Lord Phaendar Durothil of Myth Drannor.

[edit] 146

Lord Dempster attempts a second siege of Hlondeth, but is again defeated, this time by the city's high walls and a powerful barrage of magic. Avavae Irithyl is born, the first child of House Irithyl in centuries. Unfortunately, her mother dies giving birth, leaving tiny Aravae and the Coronal, her great-uncle, as the sole heirs of Irithyl. From birth, Aravae has a personal guard of three armathors whose sole purpose is to protect the child who will be the Coronal's heir.

[edit] 148

Drow construct the original Crystal Labyrinth in Undermountain as a training area for their young. Shornthal Imynster falls in battle; the warrior-mage Flaerivus Grevauldyn becomes Magister (reigned 151-154DR).

[edit] 150

Lord Dempster rebuilds his army for a third attempt at Hlondeth, but dies in his sleep before it is ready. His wife, Florentine, becomes ruler and immediately calls off the attack.

[edit] 154

Lady Florentine of Turmish is assassinated, setting off endless rounds of political maneuvering by various merchant houses. This 100-year gap in leadership becomes known as the Calmwaters, and the region flourishes. The Magister Flaerivus Grevauldyn is killed by rival mages. Malanthus Stormstaern, "The Dark-Eyed Storm," becomes Magister (reigns 154-177DR).

[edit] 163

Last reported use of the Ring of Winter, when a village and a Cormyrean lord's estates are destroyed in a massive ice storm during high summer. Founding of Altumbel by the Unther Empire. Founding of Elmwood on the southern coast of the Moonsea, as a small waystation for ship traffic to and from the River Lis. Founding of the city of Crimmor, in Amn.

[edit] 165

Rise of the Triton Protectorate of Pumana beneath the Inner Sea.

[edit] 168

Halaster's Hold, the wizard's tower and fortified ramparts, is built to the north and west of the farms in the Waterdeep area.

[edit] 171

The elves of Cormanthyr complete a two-year-long siege and running battle to destroy the sole surviving temple of Moander in the northern forest (at the site of modern Yulash). The elves raze the temple after slaying all of Moander's priests. The Coronal and sixteen of Cormanthyr's High Mages cast the binding High Magic that banishes the Jawed God from the Realms until it is freed by a nonborn child. From this time forward, Moander remains a lurking evil trapped beneath the ruins of his final temple.

[edit] 175

Leodom IV (149 to 187, original name Kasim), 4th nephew of Leodom III, King of Tethyr.

[edit] 177

The Magister Malanthus Stormstaern is killed by a "falling star." His oldest friend and onetime apprentice Dorgon "Stonecloak" Heamiiolothtar becomes Magister (reigns 177-241DR).

[edit] 186

Moriann (? to 198), King of Cormyr.

[edit] 187

Tasiiva Cormal (124 to 193), wife of Leodom IV, Widow Regent of Tethyr.

[edit] 188

King Uthgrael Aumar (? to 216) of Athalantar marries Syndrel Hornweather (? to 216).

[edit] 191

The archmage Iniarv creates the Twinned Crown of Yarlith, companion to the Twinned Crown of Uthtower.

[edit] 192

Elthryn Aumar (192 to 224), the father of Elminster, is born to Uthgrael and Syndrel Aumar of Athalantar.

[edit] 193

Hazam II (178 to 209), 2nd son of Leodom IV, King of Tethyr.

[edit] 194

The Shadowdale temple of Eilistraee and its good dark elves are slaughtered by a new infestation of drow from below; the temple is restored as the Twisted Tower military garrison. Completion of the Fountain of the Qysars in Calimport.

[edit] 199

Hlondath instigates the Crown Against the Scepter Wars, intent on raiding Cormanthyr for magic. The skirmishes happen once every three years or so, and are more annoying than damaging, but they bleed away forces that could fight the drow of the Twisted Tower.

[edit] 200

The Rogue Fires engulf all of northern and western Calimport as opposing underworld factions fight for control of the city.

[edit] 202

Tribes of "barbarians" from the south invade southern Unther and Mulhorand.

[edit] 205

Mulhorand & Unther chase defeated barbarians back to their base settlement and exterminate them. A dying shaman prophesies that their empires shall soon crumble.

[edit] 207

Fall of the dwarven realm of Ironstar. The near-final remnants of the clan are slaughtered on the Stone Bridge. The rest flee south and join with the Fallen Kingdom (Kingdom of Man).

[edit] 209

Tebalan Pahuk (158 to 211), Court Vizier and Tethyrian loyalist, Regent of Tethyr.

[edit] 210

Elthryn Aumar marries Amrythale Goldsheaf, a forester's daughter.

[edit] 211

Four tribes of barbarians fleeing the legions of Unther and Mulhorand settle in Dambrath and become known as the Arkaiun. Moshafi Telerus (172 to 217), Court Vizier and Shoon loyalist, Regent of Tethyr. Drow assaults force Bandaerl Dumatheir of Clan Melairkyn to seal the dwarves within the Deep Temple of the Lost Level of Undermountain.

[edit] 212

Elminster, son of Prince Elthryn and Amythrale Goldsheaf of Athalantar, is born in Heldon. The port of Murann is created in Amn.

[edit] 216

The known Northlands erupt in battle as many orc bands vie for supremacy; countless thousands of goblinkin perish. King Uthgrael of Athalantar dies; his sons, the "Warring Princes," begin open battle for the throne.

[edit] 217

Matamid Korrunhel (180 to 251), Court Vizier and Shoon Loyalist, Regent of Tethyr. Cauln Aumar (191 to 217) of Athalantar is slain by a Calishite wizard in the employ of his brother Elthaun.

[edit] 218

Belaur Aumar (189 to 240), 1st son of Uthgrael, crowned King of Athalantar. He organizes the Magelords. Will o' Wisps are seen in profusion all over Faerun this year; some sages believe this marks an invasion of the strange beings, perhaps through a gate from another plane.

[edit] 219

Birth of the great mage Mentor Wintercloak.

[edit] 220

Coronal Eltargrim opens the forest of Cormanthor to N'Tel'Quess, primarily druids, great wizards, and demi-human craftsmen who can add to the glory of Cormanthyr.

[edit] 223

Emyr (208 to 229), 8th son of Hazam II, King of Tethyr. The city of Trademeet is established as the caravan mustering point for Tethyr and Amn. Ilhundyl, the Mad Mage, is exiled from the Calishite city of Volothamp for his monstrous experiments and his inability to control creatures he summoned from the Abyss.

[edit] 224

In the winter of this year, many forest fires rage across the Northlands. Battle of Bloodrivers: At the site of present-day Yartar, the orc-chieftain Gluthtor emerges victorious and spends the year uniting the orcs under his command. Elthryn and Amrythale Aumar killed by the archmage Undarl. The Lion Sword is broken. Several Tethyrian garrisons in the Tejarn Hills are destroyed by Ilhundyl the Mad Mage.

[edit] 225

Gluthtor's great orc horde is turned back by the elves of the Sword Coast lands, at the cost of much of their strength, in the battles of Five Falcons (east of the Stone Bridge), and Hungry Arrows (southeast of present-day Everlund). The rise of archery among orcs is said to date from these slaughters, wherein the surviving orcs saw a few thousand elven archers slay hundreds of thousands of goblinkin.

[edit] 226

Despite the lack of major wars, disease and widespread lawlessness take many fighting-men to their graves all over Faerun this year.

[edit] 227

The dwarves of the Alaoreaum fight an epic battle with the red dragon Stormcrossing. The dwarves win, but the humans are alerted to their presence in the mountains of Turmish. Three small realms are founded this year. They are the halfling realm of Meiritin in what is now eastern Amn; the human realm of Shavinar north of present-day Baldur's Gate; and Tathtar at the western end of the Vilhon Reach. All have since vanished.

[edit] 228

Several sages publish important histories of human magical achievements in the summer of this year. At this time, Elminster is an outlaw in the Horn Hills, on the borders of Athalantar.

[edit] 229

A cabal of wizards calling themselves "The Black Flame" forms in Unther and destroys several armies sent by local rulers to slay them. Over the 20 summers that follow, they develop many important magics, but dwindle in numbers, destroyed by rivals, or lost in travels to other planes. They leave behind many powerful spells that later form much of the arsenal of the Red Wizards of Thay. King Emyr of Tethyr dies without issue; end of the Cormal Dynasty and beginning of the Korrunhel Dynasty. Matamid Korrunhel (180 to 251), Former Vizier and Regent, King of Tethyr. During this year, Elminster, using the name Eladar the Dark, is active as a thief in Hastarl, capital of Athalantar. Plague hits the cities of Keltar, Volothamp, and Manshaka. Named the Ashes Plague for the skin tone of those infected.

[edit] 230

Trees are felled all over the over-crowded, human-held lands of Faerun this year, and many roads begun, cutting into the heart of once-impassible woodlands. Dalagar "Longwalker" becomes king of Andlath (a vanished realm that flourished on what is now the Shining Plains), and begins construction of a trade road linking the Sword Coast lands with the Vilhon Reach. The Tathtar Wars: The fledgling country of Tathtar on the Deepwash invades eastern Tethyr, possibly in alliance with Tethyran rebels in Ithmong. Beginning of nearly ten years of warfare between the realms.

[edit] 231

Boldovor "The Mad" (? to 242), King of Cormyr. A gigantic mist dragon of this rare species appears in the lands around the Inner Sea, challenging and slaying any dragon it can find. By winter, it has amassed a huge treasure, and the first of several hundred fruitless adventurer-forays sets forth from Calimport in search of what bards come to call the Shining Hoard of the Great Dragon (for some 60 years the mist dragon slays adventurers. After that, no trace of it or its hoard can be found). Ilhundyl the Mad Mage conquers Meiritin's largest settlement and declares himself ruler of the Calishar Emirates. Mild unrest farther south near Shoonach delays a military response from the Shoon Empire. Emperor Shoon IV unleashes the Death Parade (a horde of skeletons and zombies) on rebels in Ithmong.

[edit] 232

In Andlath, centaur herds break free of human slavery, shattering that realm into small, besieged territories and outposts. King Dalagar spends much of the year in his saddle, fighting 40 battles or more, but the road-building goes on.

[edit] 233

A rich barley harvest this year makes beer plentiful and good in the lands around the Inner Sea. As a member of the Brave Blades adventuring band, "Elmara" (Elminster) is busy exploring old ruins, dungeons, and subterranean holds in the lands north and west of Athalantar. The Brave Blades plunder the Floating Tower of the archwizard Ondil of the Many Spells.

[edit] 234

A red-leafed flower, called the Bloodflower for its hue and prevalence on the open plains that often become battlefields, seems to grow everywhere this year - until an alchemist in Calimshan discovers a magical use for its petals. In the decade that follows, the bloodflower is harvested so thoroughly that it disappears from Faerun.

[edit] 235

Intrigue, wars of succession, and assassinations are all rife across Faerun; it is a time of defiance, violence, and short tempers. Elmara (Elminster) is studying and adventuring with the sorceress Myrjala Dark-Eyes.

[edit] 236

A mage in Mulhorand devises a spell that creates clouds of poisonous gas that last for several days. The wizard is slain by fearful neighbors and rival wizards, but not before someone steals at least one of the spells involved. Elmara (Elminster) continues to study and adventure with Myrjala, traveling widely in Faerun.

[edit] 237

Ansryn Tehvyae, a crazed hermit-mage who dwells in Tsharoon (a land since swallowed by the Quoya Desert) develops a spell that teleports unwitting and unwilling dragon from place to place, from afar. There is much tumult in the eastern Realms, until Tehvaye is identified and killed by the furious surviving dragons. The fate of his spell is unknown. Elmara's magic grows to outstrip Myrjala's; they decide to part and Elminster reveals his true gender to his teacher.

[edit] 238

Damp, cloudy weather and widespread rotting diseases promote wild growth of mushrooms all across northern Faerun. Elminster goes mage-hunting across Faerun, trying to defeat evil mages and gain their powers. Myrjala and Elminster destroy Ilhundyl the Mad Mage of the Calishar. They reveal their love for each other, and decide to dwell and work together. Dalagar "Longwalker," King of Andlath, completes his road linking Athkatla to Ormath.

[edit] 239

A sudden increase in the numbers of leucrotta drives many of these nasty creatures to roam across the North, each seeking its own territory. Much fear, rumors (of various rulers being disguised leucrotta and suchlike), and bloodshed results. Elminster and Myrjala work together, building their powers for a planned assault on Athalantar.

[edit] 240

Elminster achieves his destiny and shatters the rule of the magelords, slaying King Beluar and the malaugrym Undarl. El then crowns the outlaw Helm Stoneblade king of Athalantar. Myrjala reveals herself as the goddess Mystra; Elminster becomes one of Mystra's Chosen, and is sent to Cormanthor. Peace treaties signed between Tathar and Tethyr end nearly ten years of war between the two realms.

[edit] 241

The Lord-Speaker Ildilyntra Starym of the Starym Clan attacks the Coronal Eltargrim. This act causes the fall in power of the Starym Clan in Myth Drannor. Ildilyntra dies when she transforms herself into a blood dragon to attack the Coronal. In late autumn, the former and sole-surviving Prince of Athalantar, Elminster Aumar, enters the city of Cormanthor both to serve Mystra's will and return the kiira (lore-gem) of House Alastrarra. He becomes both the first human to walk the city, and the first ever human Armathor. The Magister Dorgon "Stonecloak" dies in spellbattle with the mage Sirdan Aulauger of Shussel. Nelorth "Firefists" Broamshoulder becomes Magister (reigns 241-242DR).

[edit] 242

The Srinshee, once a baelnorn, is reborn as an elfmaid. This is rumored to have been done at the behest of the human goddess Mystra. The Magister Nelorth "Firefists" dies in spellbattle with his third challenger for the office. The arrogant mage Weldrarn Orblin becomes Magister (reigns early 242DR). Weldrarn dies in spellbattle with Tsanbrin Auleroevler, after a tower falls on him. Tsanbrin becomes Magister (reigns 242-244DR).

[edit] 244

Evereska's existence is uncovered by N'Tel'Quess for the first time, though the secret is kept for centuries by the human tribes of the Greycloak Hills. Brymmyn Thorl becomes Magister (reigned 244-246DR).

[edit] 245

Chapter 12 of "Cormyr: A Novel"

[edit] 246

The Magister Brymmyn Thorl is killed in spellbattle with Corthas Mulheer. Corthas briefly becomes Magister before being killed in turn by the crazed mage Galeerie Mulurkrath. Galeerie becomes Magister (reigns 246-249DR).

[edit] 249

The Magister Galeerie Mulurkrath is hit over the head with a shovel and killed. Talana Brakuularn of Shoonach, founder of the first MageFairs, is awarded the office of Magister (reigns 249-256DR).

[edit] c.250

Halaster Blackcloak makes Undermountain his domain.

[edit] 251

Xandar (224 to 260), 3rd son of Matamid, King of Tethyr.

[edit] 253

"Guenhwyvar" (Realms of Magic) The panther Guenhwyvar is transformed into a unique figurine of wondrous power by Andres Beltgarden, a human settler of Cormanthyr. The figurine is granted to the young bladesinger Josidiah Starym.

[edit] 256

The Magister Talana Brakuularn is killed at the second ever MageFair. After a dozen or so mages attending the Fair were killed by rivals, the mage Eirl Rauthantannar, the "Whisperer in Shadows," becomes Magister (reigns 256-276DR).

[edit] 257

Mt. Ugruth, a volcano near the city of Hlondeth, erupts, blackening the skies for months. Under the cover of the eruption, Chondath invades and conquers Hlondeth, toppling the ruling Gestin family. The eruption of Mount Ugruth indirectly leads to the fall of the Croam dynasty in Westgate and the end of the rule of the Croamarkhs. The volcano blackens the skies above Hlondeth with ash for months, leading the various churches of the city-state to conclude that the gods are displeased. The fall of House Gestin in nearby Chondath leads to the abrogation of a treaty between the city-state of Hlondeth and the pirates of the Inner Sea that grants the latter group safe harbor. Before the arrival of winter, a vast fleet of pirates descends on Westgate, determined to seize it as their new home and replace their base in Hlondeth. The arrival of the pirates in Westgate leads in short order to the death of the reigning Croamarkh and much of the city's nobility. Thus began the reign of the Pirate Kings in Westgate, a period in which no less than 77 pirate lords rule the city in rapid succession. Some of the pirate lords reign no more than a few hours, and the longest-serving pirate king lasts only a little more than five years. During this period, Westgate's role as a trading hub declines precipitously, and much of the city falls into disrepair.

[edit] 260

Chondath establishes the frontier towns of Timindar and Orbech. The Grand Druid of the Gulthmere issues several warning to Chondath regarding the continued cutting of the Chondalwood, but is ignored. A gold and silver rush in the Deepwing Mountains begins. Lachom is founded, and is swiftly controlled by Chondath. Vajra (244 to 310), sole heir of Xandar, Queen of Tethyr. (married Karazir Tiiraklar).

[edit] 261

Laying of the Mythal at Myth Drannor. Myth Drannor created for all races. Cormanthor changes its name to Myth Drannor (The City of Might, Bards, Song, Beauty, Crowns, Love). Lady Symrustar Auglamyr is re-born as a Chosen of Mystra, the first of the elves to have this honor. Elven and human mages devise spells needed to sail the skies in this year, and new skyships are seen in Faerun - the first such craft outside of Halruua since the fall of Netheril.

[edit] 262

While numerous members of many elven clans quit Myth Drannor rather than share it with the N'Tel'Quess, only minor families and the five major Houses of Bharaclaiev, Hyshaanth, Rhaevaern, Starym, and Tellynnan abandon the city for other purely elven settlements in Cormanthyr and elsewhere (though a limited number of each clan remain in the city). Only the Starym were a senior clan, and in respect of that, their lands were left to be vacant for 300 years; if not claimed by the clan again, the manors and holdings would return to the Coronal.

[edit] 266

Starting in early spring, a number of murders in the eastern quarter of Myth Drannor turn many immigrants against each other. The eight victims (all humans) died of various poisons (to which all elves are immune). By the year's end, armathors apprehend a bigoted servant elf of House Ammath, who confesses to the crimes. (Secretly, the servant spied for House Symbeam, political enemies of the Ammath, and this gambit paid off well in social and political damage to their rivals, though the Coronal never found the family guilty of any wrongdoing).

[edit] 267

Battle of Fallen Trees. The Chondathian logging towns of Timindar and Orbech are destroyed by elves attacking from within the Chondalwood. The Crushed Helm Massacre. Chondath forces are led into a trap inside the Chondalwood. Of 10,000 men, only about 200 survive and escape the elves and wood giants.

[edit] 270

Chondathan troops begin massing at the southern border of Turmish. The squabbling Turmish merchant houses unite behind the rule of Alesam Mischwin. The two forces reach a stalemate, and Chondath retreats.

[edit] 273

The first migration of dwarves arrives at Myth Drannor in three small clans from Ammarindar and Citadel Felbarr.

[edit] 275

Halaster discovers the Lost Level of Undermountain.

[edit] 276

The forges of the dwarven clans Snowsbattle and Honedaxe produce three great gifts in gratitude for their new homes in Myth Drannor; the Beljuriled Belt of Battle for the Coronal; the Shield of Briars for the Arms-Major, and the Heralds' Horn for the Spell-Major of the Akh'Faer (which would become better known later by its primary wielder's name as The Harking Horn of Ishildé). The Magister Eirl Rauthantannar, nearing the end of his days, transforms himself into Greentree Haven, an enchanted grove in the wilderlands of the Sword Coast North. The blustering mage Ergrith "Kingslayer" Klavulgrun becomes Magister (reigns 276-278DR).

[edit] 277

Discovery of a gold deposit in the Aphrunn Mountains of Turmish creates the city of Aelor almost overnight. The green elf warrior Tenyajn Haell is made a general in the Cormanthyran army, taking charge of the training of its ranks.

[edit] 278

The population of the Vilhon soars; many mercenaries are hired this year. The Magister Ergrith "Kingslayer" is killed in spellbattle by the sorceress Adriyana "Leaf in the Wind" Voudsarr. Ardiyana becomes Magister (reigns 278-292DR).

[edit] 282

The Aelor gold mines run dry.

[edit] 284

A great halfling migration hundreds strong arrives at Myth Drannor from Meiritin and Tethyr via the first open gates set up to bring folk to the city. The city of Aelor is reduced to a ghost-town.

[edit] 285

The slave-nation of Nimpeth is founded and becomes the first Vilhon city-state to withstand the armies of Chondath.

[edit] 286

As most social clubs in Myth Drannor are privately owned and often held exclusive memberships, the halflings of the city surprise all by opening taverns to everyone, the first and most storied of which is the Treant's Treat, located in a warren beneath a great, petrified tree. Within a decade, even elven taverns, inns, and halls are lessening their strictures on patrons (though some places still discriminate by trade, wealth, or other prejudices). By 307 DR, only a few elite sites in the Kerradunath district restrict themselves to established elven club members.

[edit] 290

This year marks the greatest number of births in Cormanthyr's history. While only half were elven babies, there are more full-blooded elves born in this lone year than in the previous decade. The Coronal deems this a sign of the realm's health and the righteousness of his quest for unity among all the races. Death of Arkhenthus the Mage-Devourer, an ancient white wyrm, by the swords of six flying elves and humans. This marks the first Cormanthyran dragonhunt involving N'Tel'Quess.

[edit] 292

Gnomes walk the sylvan glades of Myth Drannor for the first time since escaped gnome slaves passed through Cormanthor in Netheril's time. The Magister Adriyana, sickened by the magical devastation of her beloved woodlands, pleads with Mystra to be removed from office. She is transformed into the magical artifact Adriyana's Garter.

[edit] 293

Tathtar is overrun by an orc horde led by the chieftain Thaurgarl "Greatmaw" and falls. Only Lower Tathtar survives the collapse. Nasana Melnuthquel, princess of Procalith (a now-vanished city in the Tashalar), becomes Magister (reigns 293-297DR).

[edit] 297

The Magister Nasana Melnuthquel dies of heartstop. Her corpse is set afire by Sabral Faryre, a minor courtier, who proclaims himself Magister. Sabral then kills the King of Procalith and declares himself ruler.

[edit] 298

Sabral Fayre, Magister and King of Procalith, is found dead on his throne, a huge harpoon driven through his torso. The Halruuan expatriate Malkith "The Smiling Cat" Undree becomes Magister (reigns 298-302DR).

[edit] c.300

Ilgostrogue Sstar leaves Citadel Adbar with 35,000 dwarves, of which 12,000 survive to found the settlement of Ironmaster. The arching stone bridge in Loudwater is built by the dwarf Iirikos Stoneshoulder for the elves of Earlann.

[edit] 300

A bardic college called the Academia Vilhonus is founded, and starts the Turmish custom of painting dots on the foreheads of learned men. The theocracy of Minsorran, the "Lands of Balance," consecrates its lands in what is now eastern Amn.

[edit] 302

The Magister Malkith Undree is killed by an exploding scepter. Oldo Tappard, a crafter of animated toys and golems, receives the office of Magister (reigned 302-316DR).

[edit] 306

The Karsus Overwash is renamed the Winding Water.

[edit] 307

The Seven, Halaster's apprentices, abandon Halaster's Hold and enter the dark ways of Undermountain. The tower and surface holdings fall into decay and ruin. All settlers avoid this walled "cursed" enclosure. After decades of debate, the elves allow N'Tel'Quess to join the Akh'Velahrn after training in the Cormanthyran methods of battle. More than 400 humans and 100 dwarves eagerly join up.

[edit] 308

The Crown Against the Scepter Wars end as Cormanthyr makes it clear the Hlondathans are to cease or be destroyed by the elves. Until this year, little loss of life occurred during the war, though the Hlondathans were sorely outmatched in weapons and skills.

[edit] c.310

Chondath organizes the practice of each Vilhon realm sending troops every four years to Southsands, to engage in a mock war.

[edit] 310

End of the Korrunhel Dynasty of Tethyr; beginning of the Tiiraklar Dynasty. Karaj (267 to 315), son of Vajra, King of Tethyr.

[edit] 315

Karaj II (290 to 345), son of Karaj I, King of Tethyr.

[edit] 316

The Magister Oldo Tappard dies of a wasting disease. The sorceress Iolaeden "Firedragon" Stonehallow becomes Magister (reigns 316-318DR).

[edit] 317

Thargreve "The Lesser" (? to 334), King of Cormyr.

[edit] 318

The Magister Iolaeden "Flamedragon" is killed in spellbattle by the mage Loaradden Derviir. Loaradden becomes Magister (reigns 319-321DR).

[edit] 319

Fire engulfs all Calishite cities and towns, as Qysar Shoon VII sets the sewers aflame to root out criminal elements. Start of the Eighth Serôs War under the Inner Sea.

[edit] 320

The cities of Nleeth and Amah are founded as training centers for warriors competing in the Vilhon games.

[edit] 321

The realm of Valashar is added into the Shoon Empire. Ruled by the mad king Ashar Tornamn, Valashar spends the next fifteen years expanding northwards towards the High Moor. This expansion brings it into conflict with King Azoun I of Cormyr, who crushes Valashar's armies in 336DR. Valashar begins a series of border skirmishes with the halfling realm of Meiritin. It becomes general knowledge in Cormanthyr that the Vale of Lost Voices is protected by baelnorn. Treasure seekers stop visiting the tombs there as often. End of the Eighth Serôs War. This war destroys the ixitxachitl kingdom of Paolan Reef off Impiltur's southern and Thesk's western shores. The reef continues to exist as a geographic point, but is no longer a political border. Fallen from Mystra's grace, the Magister Loaradden Derviir is swiftly killed by the mage Onsilur Maerdrathom of Shiertalar. Onsilur becomes Magister (reigns 321-326DR).

[edit] 324

The Harpers at Twilight are formed in secret deep in Elven Court woods by Dathlue Mistwinter, the Lady Steel, whose family crest (a silver harp between the horns of a crescent moon, encircled by stars on a black field) becomes the badge of the Harpers. Among the early members were elf, human, and half-elf warriors, rangers, druids, thieves, and mages (including Ruehar Oakstaff, Ioelena Audark, Lyari Pholont "the Shadesilk," and Elminster).

[edit] 326

The cities of Ormath and Lheshayl meet on the Field of Tears over a land dispute. The two sides battle for more than a week before the Tenpaw wemic tribe drives both sides from the field. Halaster Blackcloak discovers the Crystal Labyrinth of Undermountain, and begins to change it to his own ends. After being trapped inside an elven kiira by the mage Ansel Burwyth, the Magister Onsilur Maerdrathom goes insane and loses the office of the Magister. Gelthin Hornreach becomes Magister (reigns 326-337DR).

[edit] 329

Hlondath's grain fields are consumed by the expansion of Anauroch, and the city-state is abandoned, its folk migrating east beyond the Moonsea or south into the Dales and beyond. Once Hlondath itself is overrun by the desert, Anauroch ceases its spread, much to the relief of those in Cormanthyr. Hlondath's people flee east to the Moonsea or south to the Dales and beyond.

[edit] 330

Arun Maerdrym is born, the first half-elf among the senior noble houses of Myth Drannor; to the surprise of many elves, he is accepted by the patriarch and allowed to retain his name and position in the family and clan.

[edit] 331

Elminster leaves Myth Drannor for the first time in seventy years at Mystra's insistence. The orcs of Vastar launch an unexpected attack on eastern Cormanthyr late in this year, and occupy some of the lands east of the Old Elven Court for the next few years. The orcs spend the next years both solidifying their forces here and exploring the ruins of the ancient elven temple- city. Kelvhan Olortynnal is born in Cormanthyr.

[edit] 335

Ashar's March: Lord Ashar Tornamn, acting without orders from the Shoonite Emperor or the king of Tethyr, moves his armies north, reaching the High Moor by late summer. He claims the Sword Coast from the Moor to Shoonach for the Shoon Empire. King Azoun I of Cormyr finds trade routes to the west blocked by Shoonite troops demanding tariffs for "passing through the empire's lands." Azoun orders the creation of the sword Ilbratha, "Mistress of Battles." Aquatic elves begin to appear in a temple of Deep Sashelas in Myth Drannor and the Old Elven Court. The Darkwoods Massacre: The fourth major foray by akh'velahrn forces against the invading orcs occurs within the Darkwoods east of the Old Elven Court's ruins in high summer. The battle is lost as the orcs surround over half of the allied forces and decimate them in their sleep; as the human guards were also among the slain, no explanation is apparent for their negligence. In all, more than 1,000 soldiers die that night, although only 100 of them are elves. Captain Fflar of Myth Drannor comes to Semberholme for the next eight years.

[edit] c.336

First reliable mention of the artifact known as the "Crown of the Mountain," then wielded by the mage Larbrand in the Tashalar.

[edit] 336

Cormyr defeats the army of Valashar on the Fields of the Dead, then advances into Amn, Valashar, and Tethyr.

[edit] 337

The Magister Gelthin Hornreach is killed by the veteran warrior mage-for-hire Hortil Droone. Droone becomes Magister (reigns 337-345DR).

[edit] 339

Human and elvish forces rout the orcs in eastern Cormanthyr. Instrumental in the battles is the human warrior Velar. Velar and his human (and some elven) allies resettle the land around the coastal forest. This area soon becomes known as Velarsdale.

[edit] 345

End of the Tiiraklar Dynasty of Tethyr, beginning of the Tornamn Dynasty. Kallos (324 to 380), 3rd nephew of Karaj II, King of Tethyr and Tethyrian loyalist. The Magister Hortil Droone is killed in spellbattle with the sorceress Phambra "The Laughing Doom" Chalyphar. Mystra transforms Hortil into the Crown of the Undying Flame, a royal crown of Westgate, and Phambra becomes Magister (reigns for six months in 345DR). The Magister Phambra is killed in spellbattle with Arghorst "The Tall" Talandor. Arghorst becomes Magister (reigns 345-404DR).

[edit] 346

Seven senior and junior akh-velarhn officers (five gold, two moon elven) are exiled from Myth Drannor and Cormanthyr after their court-martials reveal that they subjected their non-elven soldiers to barbarous treatment while under their commands, whether in training or under patrol conditions. The blame for the Darkwoods Massacre falls on their shoulders, due to biased troop placements, failures to maintain communications or deliver orders among encamped forces, and a willing sacrifice of non-elven troops in favor of elven ones. Penitent over his failure to detect bigotry among his troops (especially his second-in-command), major Pirphal Faerondaryl offers his resignation to the Coronal, which is refused, as Eltargrim bids him to solve the problem rather than avoid it. Major Pirphal commissions the first three baneblades as weapons for his new lieutenants (one each: halfling, dwarf, and human); the blades are dwarven forged, the hilts elven-crafted, and finally enchanted by the human mage Demron. Saeval Ammath returns from an excursion into the western mountains, and immediately sequesters himself in a House Ammath tower holding outside the mythal. While many find this curious, none suspect that he has found and claimed a dragon's egg.

[edit] 348

Northkeep, the first human settlement in the Moonsea North, is founded. A group of outlaws, fleeing the justice of Mulhorand, settle in and found Ulgarth. Saeval Ammath hatches his foundling red dragon egg. Due to the many enchantments he placed on the egg, the dragon's shape is more similar to a blue dragon, though its tone is still red. Saeval names the hatchling Garnetallisar.

[edit] c.350

Shoonish warriors battle on the Fields of the Dead. Citadel Adbar built by King Adbarruns of Delzoun.

[edit] 351

Yrlaancel grows with an influx of refugees and becomes Ondathel, Eldath's City of Peace.

[edit] 352

The Great Fire of Alaghon.

[edit] 355

Shoon VII slaughters the unicorn herds of Shilmista to create his Book of Shoon.

[edit] 358

Emperor Shoon VII fights the blue dragon, Iryklathagra "Sharpfangs," on the plains of Valashar. The dragon flees but Shoon VII loses his Staff of Shoon to the dragon. Demron completes the first three Baneblades of Demron, and they are presented to their wielders amid great ceremony. Saeval's dragon Garnet becomes known to the folk of Myth Drannor, as he takes to flying with the wizard astride his back. Despite much uproar, Garnet proves himself trustworthy and humble before the Coronal and others. Saeval's enchantments give this unique dragon a lawful good nature. The Coronal grants his trust by providing a means for the dragon and his master to live within the mythal, despite its normal defenses against chromatic dragons.

[edit] c.360

The House of Stone is built by Turgo Ironfist.

[edit] 367

Founding of Phlan.

[edit] 374

The House of Silvanus is established on the isle of Ilighon.

[edit] 376

Chapter 14 of "Cormyr: A Novel"

[edit] 379

A septet of notable mages of Cormanthyr form an alliance and build the first school of wizardry open to all the races of Myth Drannor whose teachers were not exclusively elves. This group soon becomes known outside the city as the Seven Wizards of Myth Drannor . ===c.380s Chondathan traders help establish the cities of Chondathan and Chancelgaunt (present-day: Saerloon and Selgaunt).

[edit] 380

Nishan (345 to 383), 2nd son of Karaj II, King of Tethyr and Tethyr loyalist.

[edit] 382

Herakul (353 to 386), brother of Nishan, King of Tethyr and traitor/kinslayer. Tales first spread throughout Westgate of a sea serpent haunting the harbor and sewers. The quelzarn, as the eel-like beast is known, becomes a nigh-legendary denizen of Westgate's underworld and the favorite subject of bard's tales.

[edit] 384

Silverymoon Ford is built as a rope-and-wood bridge over the shallows at the bend in the River Rauvin.

[edit] 385

Birth of Duar "Longyears" Obarskyr of Cormyr.

[edit] 386

Priam (369 to 450), son of Nishan, King of Tethyr. A Tethyrian loyalist who secretly aided King Silvyr's return. His sole granddaughter later married Strohm I Arun Maerdrym, called the Half-Elven among Myth Drannan nobles, joins the Harpers at Twilight.

[edit] 388

The city-state of Al-Anwahr is founded in the heart of what is now known as the Haunted Lands of Zakhara, by emigrants.

[edit] 389

Crown Prince Azoun I of Cormyr battles and kills Dima, the Djinni-Lord of the Chondalwood on a trade mission to the Vilhon Reach. The sword Ilbratha, "Mistress of Battles" is lost in a shipwreck off the coast of Cormyr.

[edit] 390

Myth Lharast established as a "purer" temple city, with worship dedicated solely to Selune rather than the orthodox theocracy of Minsorran. First Selunite worship in Waterdeep. The Srinshee goes into deep mourning for a decade, as her first paramour (and apprentice) in centuries dies in a hunting mishap. Hereafter, the young-appearing Srinsheee never appears clad in any color brighter than midnight blue, black being predominant. While she and others suspect that one of the noble Houses had a hand in poisoning the bear and driving it into a killing frenzy, no proof ever surfaced and the matter was dropped.

[edit] 398

The Night Dragon's Attack: Five black and two green dragons assault the mythal directly over Myth Drannor, testing its defenses against them. Lieutenant Itham, as commander of the dragonriders, brings their full complement of six good dragons and 100 hippogrifs against them. While all the evil dragons were destroyed, they also killed one bronze dragon, half the hippogriffs and their riders, and four dragonriders, including Itham. The baneblade Morvian and the command of the Wing and Horn fall to lady Ahskahala Durothil.

[edit] c.400

The city of Escalaunt is founded by Unther.

[edit] 400

Northkeep is sunk beneath the waves of the Dragon Sea (modern: The Moonsea) by a horde of over 40,000 humanoids and dragons. The city of Phlan is leveled. Chondath aides the cities of Chondathian (Saerloon) and Chauncelgaunt (Selgaunt) against orc and goblin hordes. After the hordes are driven off, Chondath keeps soldiers in the two cities.