State Services Commission

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The State Services Commission (Te Komihana O Nga Tari Kawanatanga in Māori) is a central government agency within the New Zealand government. Its responsibility is essentially to guarantee a high level of civil servants for New Zealand through performance management. The SSC's official responsibilities include:

  • appointing and reviewing Public Service chief executives,
  • promoting and developing senior leadership and management capability for the Public Service,
  • providing advice on the training and career development of staff in the Public Service,
  • reviewing the performance of each department,
  • providing advice on the allocation of functions to and between departments and other agencies,
  • providing advice on management systems, structures, and organisations in the Public Service and Crown entities,
  • promoting, developing, and monitoring equal employment opportunities policies and programmes,
  • any other functions with respect to the administration and management of the Public Service, as directed by the Prime Minister.

The overarching goal, by Cabinet endorsement, is A system of world class professional State Services serving the government of the day and meeting the needs of New Zealanders.

The current Minister of the State Services is Annette King. The current State Services Commissioner is Mark Prebble.


[edit] Development Goals

To support the overarching goal mentioned above, the SSC has six specific Development Goals for State Services:

  • Goal 1: Employer of Choice

Ensure the State Services is an employer of choice attractive to high achievers with a commitment to service.

  • Goal 2: Excellent State servants

Develop a strong culture of constant learning in the pursuit of excellence.

  • Goal 3: Networked State Services

Use technology to transform the provisions of services for New Zealand.

  • Goal 4: Coordinated State agencies

Ensure the total contribution of government agencies is greater than the sum of its parts.

  • Goal 5: Accessible State Services

Enhance access, responsiveness and effectiveness, and improve New Zealanders' experience of State Services.

  • Goal 6: Trusted State Services

Strengthen trust in the State Services, and reinforce the spirit of service.

[edit] Branches

The SSC is currently divided into seven branches.

[edit] Performance Management Branch

The Performance Management Branch is responsible for providing leadership in relation to appointing chief executives and performance management within State agencies. It also has responsibility for ensuring the achievement of and monitoring progress towards the Development Goals.

The branch also interacts with the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet and the Treasury to develop and maintain a set of shared outcomes for the three central agencies.

[edit] Development Branch

The Development Branch is primarily responsible for working towards the Accessible State Services Development Goal.

The Accessible State Services goal concerns integration of services, ensuring their responsiveness and relevance, and an overall improvement of New Zealander's experience of State Services. This extends to local government, and sometimes includes liasing with non-government organisations.

[edit] Governance Branch

The Governance Branch is primarily responsible for working towards the Trusted State Services and Coordinated State agencies Development Goals.

To achieve these goals, the branch provides administration advice to the rest of the SSC and to public sector agencies. The branch leads the design and implementation of programmes and initiatives supporting the SSC's leadership role on integrity and conduct matters. It also leads the development and application of the Cabinet Fees Framework. Sometimes the branch provides advice to the Commissioner and government agencies on machinery of government, accountability and public management.

[edit] Information and Communication Technologies Branch

The Information and Communication Technologies Branch has primary responsibility for working towards the Networked State Services Development Goal. The branch provides advice regarding IT investments by the government and related matters. It is responsible for the E-government Strategy and delivering its outcomes.

[edit] People Capability Branch

The People Capability Branch has primary responsibility for working towards the Employer of Choice and Excellent State servants Development Goals.

These goals have specific relevance for ensuring that the New Zealand State sector has world-class public and State servants. The branch is also responsible for the senior leadership and development strategies, State Sector Retirement Savings Scheme, Mainstream Supported Employment Programme, and activities of the Public Sector Training Organisation.

[edit] Corporate Services Branch

The Corporate Services Branch holds the role of ensuring that the SSC has the capability necessary to facilitate and support the achievement of the Development Goals. This includes ensuring that the SSC has the necessary resources, develops the right organisational culture, and has appropriate systems and processes in place, so that it can deliver the right things at the right time, while meeting its statutory obligations as an employer and Public Service department.

[edit] Commissioner's Office

The Commissioner's Office acts as the Commissioner's support group. This includes the SSC's legal team. This ensures that the State Services Commissioner has ready access to legal advice concerning the exercise of his statutory powers. Legal advice is also available to all branches of the SSC.

[edit] List of State Services Commissioners

[edit] Relevant Links