StarOffice Basic

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StarOffice Basic (also known as StarBasic) is a dialect of Basic that is included with the and StarOffice office suite. It supports Unicode.

Although StarBasic itself is similar to other dialects of Basic, such as Microsoft's VBA, the API is very different, as the example below of a macro illustrates.

Sub ParaCount
' Count number of paragraphs in a text document
  Dim Doc As Object, Enum As Object, Count As Long
  Doc = ThisComponent
' Is this a text document?
  If  Not Doc.SupportsService("") Then
    MsgBox "This macro must be run from a text document", 64, "Error"
    Exit Sub
  End If
' Examine each component - paragraph or table?
  While Enum.HasMoreElements
' Is the component a paragraph?
    If TextEl.SupportsService("") Then 
    End If
'Display result
  MsgBox Count, 0, "Paragraph Count"
End Sub

[edit] External links

[edit] BASIC Macros

[edit] StarOffice/ API

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