Standard gravitational parameter

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Body μ (km3s-2)
Sun 132,712,440,018
Mercury 22,032
Venus 324,859
Earth 398,600
Mars 42,828
Ceres 63
Jupiter 126,686,534
Saturn 37,931,187
Uranus 5,793,947
Neptune 6,836,529
Pluto 1,001

In astrodynamics, the standard gravitational parameter \mu \ of a celestial body is the product of the gravitational constant G and the mass M:

\mu=GM \

The units of the standard gravitational parameter are km3s-2

[edit] Small body orbiting a central body

Under standard assumptions in astrodynamics we have:

m << M \


and the relevant standard gravitational parameter is that of the larger body.

For all circular orbits around a given central body:

\mu = rv^2 = r^3\omega^2 = 4\pi^2r^3/T^2 \


The last equality has a very simple generalization to elliptic orbits:

\mu=4\pi^2a^3/T^2 \


For all parabolic trajectories r v^2 \ is constant and equal to 2 \mu \;.

For elliptic and hyperbolic orbits \mu \ is twice the semi-major axis times the absolute value of the specific orbital energy.

[edit] Two bodies orbiting each other

In the more general case where the bodies need not be a large one and a small one, we define:

  • the vector \mathbf{r} \ is the position of one body relative to the other
  • r \, v \, and in the case of an elliptic orbit, the semi-major axis a \, are defined accordingly (hence r \ is the distance)
  • \mu={G}(m_1 + m_2) \ (the sum of the two \mu \ values)


  • m_1 \ and m_2 \ are the masses of the two bodies.


[edit] Terminology and accuracy

The value for the Earth is called geocentric gravitational constant and equal to 398 600.441 8 ± 0.000 8 km3s-2. Thus the uncertainty is 1 to 500 000 000, much smaller than the uncertainties in G and M separately (1 to 7000 each).

The value for the Sun is called heliocentric gravitational constant and equals 1.32712440018×1020 m3s-2.

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