Stances (tae kwon do)

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[edit] Basic Stances

[edit] Ready Stance (Kibon Junbi Seogi)

Also known as:

  • Narani Junbi Seogi

Ready Stance refers to the most common ready position use Tae Kwon Do training. Ready Stance is performed by standing with the feet one shoulder length apart, measured from the outside edge (Foot Sword) of the feet, with arms slightly bent and loosely held fists about one fist size apart just below the naval and the fists should be a fist size away from the body. Muscles are relaxed to promote movement speed from this position. This stance and its variants are most often used at the start of pattens. The student should be alert and aware, inhale and breathe out 1/3 of the air in your lungs.

Some taekwondo styles call this the command position.

[edit] Sitting Stance (Juchum Seogi)

Also known as:

  • Annun Seogi / Annun Junbi Seogi

The sitting stance is generally used to practice punches. It is similar to the ready stance. Feet are placed much wider, about two-shoulder length's apart. Also, the knees are deeply bent. The shins should be kept perpendicular to the floor. This requires the knees to move outwards away from the body. The hands are held in fists, on the hips at belt level, with the thumbs up. When a punch is thrown, the hand rotates 180 degrees to turn knuckles up before making contact. Rarely used in combat, due to the fact that the stance is totally full facing. Some examples are: the last movement in Taeguek 7 - a side punch in Juchum Seogi, and stepping forward in diagonal in Juchum Seogi and punching in Hoshinsul technique. This stance can be used instead of a L-stance to perform a sidekick. The weight distribution of this stance is 50%-50% and should be directed inwards.

This stance can also be used as a stretch. The object is typically to keep the back straight while lowering the buttocks down to the ground with the legs spread keeping shins perpendicular to the floor. The ultimate goal is to maintain this posture while the tips of the belt touch the ground.

Some taekwondo styles call this a horse/riding stance, and some others call it a middle stance.

[edit] Front Stance (Ap koobi/goobi)

Also known as:

  • Gunnun Seogi

Front stance is used to deliver power to front for blocks or attacks. To perform a front stance, the practitioner stands with both feet together. One foot is moved about two shoulder widths forward and one shoulder width or one-half shoulder widths to that foot's side (right for right, left for left.) The front leg is bent until the knee almost obscures the toes. The toes of the back foot are rotated slightly outward so the foot makes a 30 degree angle. The weight distribution of this stance is 60%-40% (Front leg-Back leg)

[edit] Back Stance (Dwit Koobi)

In a back stance, the back leg is bent at about a 90 degree angle. It is perpendicular to the front leg and forms an "L". The back leg is pushed backwards, and the body is lowered. A simplistic explanation to this stance is like sitting on a chair. 60% of the body weight is transferred to the back leg, while 40% remains of the front leg.

Back Stance
Back Stance

[edit] Walking Stance (Ap Seogi)

Walking stance is used when mobility is important. It is also a precursor of the fighting stance according to some authors. Body should be relaxed. From the attention stance with feet together, one foot is placed straight ahead of the other, about a normal walking step. Some style teaches to step side way slightly. The distance between both heels is about a shoulder length to one-half shoulder length. Rear toes are turned outward about 30 degrees. Some of the details differ from one style to another. the weight should be 60-40 (bigger in beck leg)

[edit] L-Stance (Dwi koobi/goobi)

Also known as:

  • Niunja Seogi

This stance is specifically focused on shifting weight to the back leg, as it offers much more control, and makes it easier to kick off the front leg. To perform this stance, the body faces to the side, with the front foot facing forwards, front leg bent. The back leg is bent slightly, and the foot is turned outwards perpendicular to the front foot. When learning this stance, it is helpful to use a mirror. Align your feet as stated above and make sure your body is turned so only your front shoulder is visible through the mirror. Since there is virtually no weight on that front leg, it can be swept without affecting the practitioner's overall balance. The weight distribution of this stance is 30%-70%. Both legs should be slightly bent, the back foot or the foot with the most weight on it should be bent in slightly. the back knee should be over the foot.

Some taekwondo styles call this a Back stance, or "Hoogulsagee".

[edit] Other Stances

[edit] Fighting stance

This stance varies with the martial art and practitioner, but is the basic all-purpose stance used in sparring and combat. Common features across the arts include turning the body to the side to present a smaller target, slightly bent knees for balance and agility, and hands up, protecting the head. In an art relying heavily on kicks, the body's mass is usually shifted slightly to the back leg, making the front leg easier to lift and increasing the speed of kicks. Regardless of the exact stance, this is the most familiar stance for a martial artist. All other stances, blocks, and attacks flow from this stance.

[edit] Cat stance

Stand with your front foot facing forwards and the back foot turned 45 degrees to the side, keep the feet quite close together. Shift most of your weight to your back foot, so the front foot is only for balance and you can kick from it with little body weight shifted.This stance appears in Taeguek ChilJang, which is the red belt pattern. This stance is also known as Tiger stance (Beom Seogi).