St. Margaret's School, Edinburgh

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St. Margaret's School
Established 1890
Type Independent all-female
Founder David Buchanan
Principal Eileen Davis
Grades P1-S6
Location Edinburgh, Scotland

St. Margaret's School is an independent school situated in Edinburgh, Scotland

The curriculum is based on the Scottish education system.

Over 95% of pupils go on to university.

[edit] Early Years

Is the nursery at St Margaret's.

[edit] Junior School

Is from the years of primary one to six. There are plenty opportunities for girls in junior school, like music lessons, clubs etc. In these years the girls follow the Scottish 5-14 curriculum.

[edit] Senior School

Is from the years of primary seven to secondary six. In these years the girls are eased slowly into the idea of different teachers for different subjects. They are given more responsibility and a wider variety of clubs ranging from sports to academics to music. There is a club for every single girl to enjoy. And the girls are also encouraged to start their own clubs and find a teacher to supervise. In Junior School primary six is called junior six and again they continue to follow the 5-14 curriculum. Primary Seven however is called Trans - S1 and they begin to follow the format of S1. They have timetables and different teachers for different classes.

In the classes secondary two to secondary six the curriculum is broadened and there is the option to take Physical Education, Drama ,Music, Art, Business/ICT and Hospitality.