St. Isidore, Alberta

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Location of St. Isidore, Alberta
Location of St. Isidore, Alberta

St Isidore is a small rural hamlet in northwest Alberta, Canada approximately 16 km southeast of Peace River on Highway 688.

The population of the community is around 330 (180 of whom reside in the hamlet)


[edit] History

The Hamlet of St-Isidore was founded in 1953 by 10 families from the Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean region of Québec. The group was aided by the Group of Catholic Farmers, a rural agricultural organization which promoted a cooperative approach to agriculture and rural living. Being the last community to be settled in a wave of migration from Québec after the Second World War, it has managed to maintain much of its original cultural vibrancy. 53 years later, the community still reflects the cultural, cooperative and family spirit at the heart of this community.

[edit] Carnaval

The third weekend of February each year, the hamlet hosts the St. Isidore Carnval. This event celebrates the community's Franco-Canadian hertitage through a variety of events including an international snow scuplting competition, Francophone performers, traditional dishes and other Franco-Canadian activities.

[edit] Services

St. Isidore offers a large number of services to residents and tourists, including: the St. Isidore Co-op, a library, le Conseil scolaire du Nord-Ouest, St. Isidore housing Cooperative, la Société des Compagnons, la Caisse Horizon Credit Union, le Club du Bon Temps, le Club Barbar, the Weavers' guild, a cultural centre, dance troup Plein Soleil, le Carnaval, St. Isidore Museum, Family Community Support Services office, a summer camp, a skating rink and a catholic church.

[edit] Industry

Most of the population works as farmers or on the nearby Peace River.

[edit] External links