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This article is about the role-playing game. For the computer game, see Spycraft: The Great Game.
Spycraft Roleplaying Game (2nd edition) cover
Designer(s) Patrick Kapera, Scott Gearin, Alex Flagg, Kevin Wilson
Publisher(s) Alderac Entertainment Group
Publication date 2003 (1st edition)
2005 (Revised edition)
Genre(s) Espionage, Action
System d20 System (variant) (1st edition)
OGL (Revised edition)

Spycraft is a d20-based role-playing game dealing with superspies and modern action. It is published by the Alderac Entertainment Group. After the release of the core book (subsequently referred to as the "Spycraft Espionage Handbook") in 2002, multiple supplements were released in the following years. A new edition of the rules, Spycraft 2.0, was released in August 2005.

Early in 2006, a new company announced it would be acquiring the Spycraft line from AEG. This company, Crafty Games, was founded by the authors of Spycraft 2.0 Alex Flagg, Scott Gearin and Patrick Kapera (who also co-authored Spycraft 1.0).


[edit] System

[edit] Spycraft 1.0

Spycraft 1.0 is based on the d20 system, incorporating a few changes to give more of a modern-day feel.

  • The system used the Vitality/Wound Point system first introduced in the Star Wars d20 RPG.
  • Characters gained both a Defense and Initiative bonus which improved with their character levels, while armor instead adds damage resistance rather than add to defense (Armor Class).
  • Modern day skills like Computers and Electronics were added to the skill list. Characters in Spycraft can also critically succeed or critically fail at skill checks.
  • A system for resolving high-speed chases was included in the main rulebook (and expanded somewhat in later supplements). The system involves both sides of the chase picking maneuvers with specific game effects and then rolling a contest of skill to determine which takes effect.
  • Characters kept a certain amount of personal gear, but the gear would be replaced by the Agency the characters worked for when lost. Characters also received additional gear for each mission based on the threat level code of the mission (White, Yellow, Red, or Black).
  • Characters received a number of "Action Dice" based on their character level (and feat selection) for each play session. These Action Dice would be used during play to add to die rolls or to activate a critical success (or critical failure on the part of your opponents). The Game Control (Spycraft's term for a Game Master) also received a number of Action Dice to use for his NPCs, and could award the players (and himself) additional Action Dice for particularly good play.

[edit] Spycraft 2.0

Spycraft 2.0 took these changes a step further and removed the game far enough from its d20 origins that it was able to be published as a totally stand-alone book. A copy of the Players Handbook, or similar sourcebooks, is not required to play Spycraft 2.0. There were also some changes, and improvements, from Spycraft 1.0, some of which are listed below.

  • New character options, including Wealth and Interests help flesh out characters more than ever before.
  • A new mechanic called campaign qualities which are plug-and-play modifications to game play. Some allow characters to advance in skills and abilities faster, while others slow down the same progressions. Others have more general effects like setting the game in a specific time period, or making combat more dangerous than it already is.
  • Each character chooses an Origin at character creation. Unlike DnD's Race mechanic and Spycraft 1.0's Departments, Origins consist of two parts which allow players to choose an almost unending variety of character benefits.
  • The skills system has been largely reworked. The traditional d20 System skill list has been replaced by a new list, and each skill has a variety of codified skill checks that that skill can perform. The skills rules are made more rigorous, nailing down details that were often left to group contract in other d20 System games.
  • A re-vamped gear system that simplifies one of the most lamented parts of Spycraft 1.0. Budget and Gear Points have been replaced with a number of Gear Picks based on a characters class. While a little complex at first, with practice gearing up becomes a lot quicker than it ever was. Gadgets can now be designed with anyone, with a simple set of rules to guide you through the process.
  • Vehicular chases have been expanded into a new rules mechanic called Dramatic Conflicts. The one system covers chases, seduction, hacking and other suitably dramatic events.
  • Mission and NPC have been given a complete overhaul. Now they are built to give a set amount of xp based on their ability instead of using Challenge Ratings and other abstract notions. It is now a relatively simple exercise to create a mission.

[edit] Campaign Settings

[edit] Shadowforce Archer

The first, and possibly most popular, of all the Spycraft campaign settings. The world of Shadowforce Archer (SFA) was an Earth where mystical and psionic powers were very real. There were a series of supplemental books that were released to support the SFA worldbook. Each book detailed one of the international Chambers of world. Each book had a different theme and included new rules and agent options appropriate to the theme. The setting was discontinued at the beginning of 2005 due to lagging sales of the books. Spycraft 2.0 contains many classes and feats that first appeared in the SFA line.

It was recently announced on the Spycraft forum that the setting may be making a return for Spycraft 2.0.

[edit] Dark Inheritance

Released in 2004 by Mythic Dreams Studios, Dark Inheritance (DI) was originally a d20 Modern campaign setting but converted across to the Powered by Spycraft banner using the Spycraft 1.0 rules. It describes an Earth that has been ravaged by ancient mystical powers, allowing Demons and other foul beasts access to this dimension. The setting book contains new rules that allow agents to play as Titans (powerful descendants of antediluvian demi-gods), worship the demonic forces and gain access to mystic powers (reprinted from the SFA world book).

There are a number of supplements planned for DI, similar in fashion to those for SFA. There is no release date as yet for any of these supplements.

[edit] World On Fire

World On Fire is the title for a world book that will be covering the setting detailed in the Spycraft CCG. Agents will be able to fight the forces of evil alongside such groups as the Shadow Patriots and Banshee.Net. No release date has been announced as yet, but it is said to be sometime this year. The book will feature even more character options (in the form of new origins, base and expert classes, and new master classes for higher level characters). This will also be used as the campaign setting for Living Spycraft.

[edit] 10,000 Bullets

Long teased on the Spycraft forums under the name 'Project X', 10,000 Bullets is a gritty crime setting that brings Spycraft down to street level, literally. New rules will allow players to become police, gangsters and everything in between. As with World On Fire, there is no set release date for 10,000 Bullets as yet, but it is also due out this year.

[edit] References

[edit] Supplements

[edit] Spycraft 1.0

  • Modern Arms Guide (Alderac Entertainment Group)
  • Gentleman's Agreement (Alderac Entertainment Group)
  • Game Control Screen (Alderac Entertainment Group)
  • Soldier/Wheelman Class Guide (Alderac Entertainment Group)
  • Fixer/Pointman Class Guide (Alderac Entertainment Group)
  • Faceman/Snoop Class Guide (Alderac Entertainment Group)
  • The 1960s Decade Book (Alderac Entertainment Group)
  • Most Wanted (Paradigm Concepts)
  • Agency (Alderac Entertainment Group)
  • Mastermind (Alderac Entertainment Group)
  • U.S. Militaries (Alderac Entertainment Group)
  • World Militaries (Alderac Entertainment Group)
  • Battlegrounds (Alderac Entertainment Group)

[edit] Spycraft 2.0

There are currently only two supplements available for the new version of Spycraft, both of which are in PDF format.

  • Back to Basics: Modern SRD Classes for Spycraft (Crafty Games)
  • Bag Full of Guns: This is My Rifle (Crafty Games)

There are a number of other supplements curently in production for Spycraft 2.0. Release dates for many of these products have not been announced, as Crafty Games prefers not to do this until they are sure of a release date.

  • Conspiracies (Paradigm Concepts) (Release Date: TBA)
  • Combat Missions (Paradigm Concepts) (Release Date: TBA)
  • Spellbound (Crafty Games) (Release Date: TBA)
  • Shatterpunk (Crafty Games) (Release Date: TBA)
  • Throwdown (Crafty Games) (Release Date: TBA)
  • Farthest Star (Crafty Games) (Release Date: TBA)
  • Crucible (Crafty Games) (Release Date: TBA)

[edit] Online sources

  • The official Spycraft website has a selection of free downloads for both versions of Spycraft, including downloadable missions and character sheets.
  • Modus Operandi is a fan-run site for all things Espionage Role-playing related. They have a large collection of material for Spycraft players.

[edit] See also

The Spycraft system was used in the Stargate SG-1 role-playing game. This has often been referred to as Spycraft 1.5 due to some small changes that were made to the Spycraft 1.0 rules.

[edit] External links