
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

navigation $PЯINGεrαgђ
navigation $PЯINGεrαgђ
If a userbox is erroneous, please correct it (unless I made it). If the {{user ubx num}} template is wrong, please correct the number. You may not, however, vandalise my userboxes. This page is on my watchlist.

One other thing: in my ESU userbox, which shows my edits (major vs. minor), please feel free to update it whenever you feel like it, but if you would, please instead of doing updated=~~~~~, please use the following mark-up: updated=~~~~~ by ~~~.

useless facts $PЯINGεrαgђ
Useless facts about me (basically stuff that would make good userbox matirial):
just so you know… $PЯINGεrαgђ
117 ubxs This user has 117 userboxes.
the draft joke, hahaha! $PЯINGεrαgђ
I, the undersigned, do hereby declare that, to the best of my knowledge:
1. I already know how to type, or if not, I am not currently learning to type, nor do I plan to learn in the near future.
2. I am not curious about the way things work. I do not tinker with or take apart machines or other apparatus to see how they function. I never pull up curtains, check out strange noises, experiment, tinker, hack, or otherwise show curiosity or a quest for knowledge.
3. I have attached a photo of myself demonstrating that I do not have a penis, or that I have a penis length of no more than two standard deviations above the mean.
4. I myself may be homosexual, but I do not know anyone else who is gay, bisexual, lesbian, transgendered, or otherwise queer.
Signature: $ΡЯΙNGεrαgђ (-¢|ε|Ŀ|T|-)
Name (please print): Cliffton T. Harris
As witnessed this day, a fine day in America, by whoever is visiting this page.

the ßOX $PЯINGεrαgђ

[edit] Age and related things

19 This user is 19 years old.
YA This user is a young adult.
This user is of Irish ancestry.
This user is proud to be of Irish ancestry.
dad This user is a father.
sis This user has a little sister
sis This user has a little sister
bro This user has a little brother
sis This user has a little sister
bro This user has a little brother
sis This user has a little sister
(((hug))) This user wants to give you a hug.
½ This user is a twin.
the ßOX $PЯINGεrαgђ

[edit] Languages I speak (or at least know)

en This user is a native speaker of English.
la-3 Hic/haec usor callidissima latinitate contribuere potest.
it-1 Questo utente può contribuire con un livello semplice di italiano.
el-1 Αυτός ο χρήστης μπορεί να συνεισφέρει σε βασικού επιπέδου Ελληνικά.
pl-1 Ten użytkownik posługuje się językiem polskim na poziomie podstawowym.
es-0 Este usuario no entiende español (o lo entiende con mucha dificultad).
ga-0 Níl Gaeilge ag an úsáideoir seo, nó is beag atá sí aige.
This user thinks Wikipe-tan is stinkin' cute!
the ßOX $PЯINGεrαgђ

[edit] On-wiki statistics

This user works on disambiguation link repair - You can help!
Public domain Content contributed by this user is released into the public domain.
meta This user is a Wikipedia metapedian.
2 500 This user has over 2 500 edits on the English Wikipedia.
Quality, not quantity. This user believes that a user's edit count does not necessarily reflect on the value of the user's contributions to Wikipedia.
ESU 86.7% for major edits and 13.3% for minor edits. – Last update: 16:02, 30 August 2006 (UTC).
This user does not want to see Springeragh on Wheels.
This user scored 2854.28 on the Are You a Wikipediholic Test.
Creattion is good This user creates his own userboxes.
This user has been using userboxes too long and constantly refers to himself as "this user".
subst: This user substitutes his userboxes.
a collection of books This user is a member of the Novels WikiProject.
This user is a member of WikiProject Classical music
the ßOX $PЯINGεrαgђ

[edit] Time

Today is December 16, 2006.
This user is diurnal.
This user begrudgingly observes Daylight Saving Time.
the ßOX $PЯINGεrαgђ

[edit] Grammar and speaking

they This user considers singular they substandard English usage.
infinitive This user has no opinion about split infinitives.
…in. Ending a sentence with a preposition is something this user is okay with.
mankind Regarding gender, this user will use the vernacular, not what is "politically correct".
less & fewer This user understands the difference between less and fewer. So should you.
, This user has no opinion about the serial comma.
This user is addicted to ellipses and has been known to use them indiscriminately…
IR This user uses Irish English.
en-us-n This user is a native speaker of American English.
CalE Dude, this person is totally a native California English speaker.
SoE-3 This here user has an advanced understanding of Southern English and has developed something of a drawl.
AIM-Able This user understands AIM talk perfectly well, but does not use it. Ever.
Mix This user has been influenced by too many dialects of English to use one orthography, vocabulary and grammar consistently.
the ßOX $PЯINGεrαgђ

[edit] Food

This user has eaten silica gel, and lived to tell the tale.
This user eats cheese.
This user eats pizza.
This user loves spaghetti.
This user eats apples.
This user thinks that oranges are fantastic!
This user eats strawberries.
This user eats raspberries.
This user eats potatoes.
This user eats salad.
This user eats beef.
This user eats chicken.
This user eats ham.
This user eats chocolate.
This user eats cookies.
This user drinks hot chocolate.
This user drinks orange juice.
This user drinks coffee.
S-1 This user only drinks carbonated beverages on special occasions.
C2H6O-0 This user is a non-drinker.
the ßOX $PЯINGεrαgђ

[edit] Games and fun

This user can solve a Rubik's Cube without peeling the stickers or taking it apart.
This user is a backgammon player.
This user enjoys playing chess.
This user is a Go player.
This user is a Jenga master.
This user plays fußball.
This user is a parcheesi player.
This person prefers to play games on a laptop.
SC This user plays SimCity.
SC2K This user's city is much better than Defacto's.
SC4 This user's city is much better than Defacto's.
RS This user plays RuneScape .
the ßOX $PЯINGεrαgђ

[edit] Music

ugh! This user dislikes the artist John Arpin.
fan-2 This user likes Vladimir Ashkenazy.
fan-3 This user loves Konstantin Soukhovetski.
This user enjoys classical music.
This user can't stand rock music.
vln-1 This user is a novice violinist.
pno-3 This user is an advanced pianist.
gtr-4 This user is a virtuoso guitarist.
the ßOX $PЯINGεrαgђ

[edit] This user is interested in… and other well-known userbox syntaxes

This user is interested in beauty.
This user is interested in his family history.
 This user enjoys cooking.
This user enjoys photography.
This user enjoys singing.
This user enjoys writing.
This user is a Germanophile.
the ßOX $PЯINGεrαgђ

[edit] Miscellany

This user has bipolar disorder Type I.
This user still loves stuffed animals.
This user misses Pluto. May his planethood rest in peace.
This user prefers warm weather.
This user is a roadfan.
This user enjoys skygazing and astronomy.
This user is interested in the Romantic period.
SI-0 This user thinks the metric system is bureaucratic and inhuman and will think in Fahrenheit until he dies.
This user enjoys reading fiction.
This user believes that "all the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players".
This user likes Sherlock Holmes
This user is against the colorisation of black and white movies.
This user has no television set.
This user is from Camelot,
and eats ham and jam and spamalot!
NPR This user listens to NPR.

{{subst:Wikipedia:WikiProject Anime and Manga/Userbox/User manga-1}}

This user is left-handed.
This user is a Presbyterian.