Spiegel (surname)

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Spiegel is a Jewish surname. It this name originated from house sign in the Frankfurt am Main (Judengasse) picturing a mirror. The form Spiegel is documented in Frankfurt am Main since the 16th century. Variants are Szpiegel, Schpiegel, Shpi(e)gel, Şpighel, etc.

Spiegel is also an ancient German Christian surname. Family tradition says it was taken from a town or lake named Spiegel. There is a small community south of Munich named Spiegel. The name Spiegel goes back to at least the 12th century, when the Spiegel family were barons of Desenburg and Peckelsheim in Hessen; one noted person was Heinrich III Spiegel zum Desenberg (1361-80), Bishop of Corvey.

[edit] People with the surname Spiegel

[edit] Fictional

[edit] See also

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