Sphenomandibular ligament

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Ligament: Sphenomandibular ligament
Articulation of the mandible. Medial aspect.
Latin ligamentum sphenomandibulare
Gray's subject #75 297

The sphenomandibular ligament (internal lateral ligament) is a flat, thin band which is attached above to the spina angularis of the sphenoid bone, and, becoming broader as it descends, is fixed to the lingula of the mandibular foramen. The function of the Sphenomandibular Ligament is to limit distension of the mandible in an inferior direction.

Its lateral surface is in relation, above, with the Pterygoideus externus; lower down, it is separated from the neck of the condyle by the internal maxillary vessels; still lower, the inferior alveolar vessels and nerve and a lobule of the parotid gland lie between it and the ramus of the mandible.

Its medial surface is in relation with the Pterygoideus internus.

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