User:Spencer F.

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Hello, this is the Wikipedia page of Spencer Fogg. I live in Virginia, USA, and am going to college at Virginia Tech. My interests range all over the place (check my contributions page), but are generally focused on videogames, classic rock, and comics.


[edit] Games

I lack a capable PC, so it's console games only for me these days. I'm a big fan of Nintendo games, and look forward to the Wii with great excitement. I love my DS Lite.

Some all-time favorites: Majora's Mask, A Link to the Past, Metroid Prime, SSBM, Resident Evil 4, and N.

I get a voyeuristic thrill out of speedruns, and am enamoured of the Speed Demos Archive.

[edit] Classic Rock

Don't make me choose between Bob Dylan, Eric Clapton and the Stones. I also like Yoko Kanno, Johnny Cash, Pink Floyd, Warren Zevon, and Simon and Garfunkel.

[edit] Comics

Anything by Frank Miller or Alan Moore.

[edit] My Current Project

Getting Ocarina of Time to Featured Article Status! Wish me luck.