Specific strength

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The specific strength is a material strength divided by its density. It is expressed in newton metres per kilogram, and is used for tensile strength as for compressive strength.

Another common expression is the breaking length in km when subjected to the earth gravity, which makes this notion palpable. The structure most affected by this characteristic is without any doubt the space elevator. It needs a material capable of sustaining 4960 kilometers of its own weight to become feasible, which carbon nanotube recently achieved. This "escape length" calculated by Arthur C. Clarke in 1979 [1] is much inferior than a geostationary satellite's altitude of 36,000 km because of the diminution of gravity with altitude by the means of greater distance to the earth center of gravity, centrifugal forces and the possibility to vary the section of the cable and thus its weight and resistance.

Specific tensile strength of various materials
Material Strength Density Specific Strength Breaking length source
Unit MPa kg/dm³ kN·m/kg km
Concrete 10 2.30 4.34 0.44 [2]
Rubber 15 0.92 16.3 1.66 [2]
Brass 580 8.55 67.8 6.91 [3]
Oak 60 0.69 86.95 8.86 [4]
Polypropylene 80 0.90 88.88 9.06 [5]
Nylon 75 1.15 97.3 9.92 [6]
Magnesium 275 1.74 158 16.11 [7]
Aluminium 600 2.70 222 22.65 [8]
Steel 2000 7.86 254 25.93 [8]
Titanium 1300 4.51 288 29.38 [8]
Silicon carbide 3440 3.16 1088 110 [9]
Glass fiber 3400 2.60 1307 133 [8]
Vectran 2900 1.40 2071 211 [8]
Graphite 4300 1.75 2457 250 [8]
Kevlar 3620 1.44 2514 256 [10]
Carbon nanotube 62000 1.34 46268 4716 [2]

The data of this table is from best cases, and has been established for giving a rough figure.

[edit] External links

  1. ^ The space elevator: 'thought experiment', or key to the universe?, Arthur C. Clarke, 20 September 1979
  2. ^ a b c tensile strength
  3. ^ RoyMech: Copper Alloys
  4. ^ Delft University of technology: Oak wood
  5. ^ Goodfellow: Polypropylene
  6. ^ Goodfellow: Polyamide - Nylon 6
  7. ^ eFunda: Magnesium Alloys
  8. ^ a b c d e f Vectran fiber: specific strength
  9. ^ Specialty Materials, Inc SCS Silicon Carbide Fibers
  10. ^ Network Group for Composites in Construction: Introduction to Fibre Reinforced Polymer Composites