Specific fuel consumption

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Specific fuel consumption, often shortened to SFC, is an engineering term that is used to describe the fuel efficiency of an engine design. It measures the mass of fuel needed to provide a given power for a given period. The common unit of measure is lb/(hp·h) - that is, pounds of fuel consumed for every horsepower generated during one hour of operation (or kg/(kW·h) in metric units). Therefore a lower number indicates better efficiency. The definition of SFC for jet engines (e.g. turbojets, turbofans, etc) is slightly different; the mass of fuel needed to provide a given net thrust for a given period (e.g. lb/hr/lbf or g/s/KN in S.I. units). However, gas turbines with a shaft output (i.e. turboprops and turboshafts) still use the original definition of SFC.

SFC is dependent on engine design, but differences in the SFC between different engines using the same underlying technology tend to be quite small. For instance, typical gasoline engines will have a SFC of about 0.5 lb/(hp·h) (0.3 kg/(kW·h) = 83 g/MJ), regardless of the design of any particular engine. Generally, SFC within a particular class of engine will decrease when the compression ratio is increased. Increasing overall pressure ratio on jet engines also tends to decrease SFC. Diesel engines have better SFCs than gasoline, largely because they have much higher compression ratios and therefore they can convert more of the heat produced into power.

In practical applications, other factors are usually highly significant in determining the fuel efficiency of a particular engine design in that particular application. For instance, in aircraft, turbine (jet and turboprop) engines are typically much smaller and lighter than equivalently powerful piston engine designs, both properties reducing the levels of drag on the plane and reducing the amount of power needed to move the aircraft. Therefore, turbines are more efficient for aircraft propulsion than might be indicated by a simplistic look at the table below.

It should be noted that SFC varies with throttle setting, altitude and climate. For jet engines, flight speed also has a significant effect upon SFC. Consequently, although the nominal SFC is a useful measure of fuel efficiency, the Total Fuel Burn is of more importance to the customer.

[edit] Typical Values of SFC

Power date Engine type SFC in lb/(hp·h) SFC in g/kWh Energy efficiency
Ramjet 1.0 610
Turbo-prop 0.8 490
Otto cycle 0.5 300
Diesel cycle 0.4 240
2000 kW 1945 Wright R-3350 Turbo-Compound engine 0.4 243
550kW 1931 Junkers Jumo 204 Turbocharged Diesel 210
2340 kW 1949 Napier Nomad Diesel-Compound engine 0.345 210
165 kW 2000 Volkswagen 3.3 V8 TDI engine 0.33 205 41.1%
213 kW Volvo D7E 290 hp diesel truck engine [1] 188 44.8%
43 MW General Electric LM6000 sprint (CF6 derivative) 42%
23 MW MAN B&W Diesel S80ME-C Mk7 two-stroke marine engine [2] 155 54.4%
2005 idem, with thermo efficiency system 58,2%
80 MW 1998 Wärtsilä-Sulzer RTA96-C two-stroke marine engine 163 51.7%
480 MW combined cycle GE Energy H-System gas turbines 60%

medium sized civil turbofan (at Max Power, Sea Level Static, ISA, uninstalled) : General Electric CF6-80C2B2F, 0.307 lb/hr/lbf (8.696 g/s/KN)

[edit] See also

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