Speaker of the Suns

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The Speaker of the Suns is a position, akin to a King or Queen, held by the ruler of Qualinesti elves in the fictional series of Dragonlance novels. In history, it has been passed down through heredity, going to the firstborn son.


[edit] Creation

Kith-Kanan, founder of Qualinesti, created the position of Speaker of the Sun, after he broke away from Silvanesti and created Qualinesti. He named it as such in remembrance of the Silvanesti's leader, who was titled the Speaker of the Stars. He or she conducts meetings with the Heads of Household. They rule from the Tower of the Sun, a great building in the center of Qualinost that was built by elven and dwarven smiths and builders. The symbol of the Speaker is a medallion.

[edit] Etymology

According to Tracy Hickman, the correct form of address is Speaker of Suns.[1] However, he does not explain why he continued using the Speaker of the Suns phrase instead. There are some who claim the correct form is Speaker of the Sun. Either is acceptable.

[edit] Speakers

Kith-Kanan was the first Speaker, who created the position after forming Qualinesti. His son, Silveran Kanan was magically influenced to kill Kith-Kanan, and he struck his father with a mortal blow. Kith-Kanan forgave him on his deathbed after he died. Silveran became Speaker, and after him it is unknown how many Speaker there were or their names. The next known Speaker is Solostaran Kanan, who was Gilthanas, Laurana, and Porthios's father. He led the Qualinesti in the War of the Lance, taking them to Ergoth. When he died, Porthios Kanan, his firstborn son, took over the position, but was soon exiled for marrying Alhana Starbreeze, being declared a dark elf. After him, Gilthas, son of Laurana Kanan and Tanis Half-Elven, was made Speaker, but he was essentially a puppet king for more powerful people who ruled behind the scenes. He eventually became stronger and more independent, and led his people from their ruined homeland to the Plains of Dust. After Alhana Starbreeze declared him leader of the Silvanesti, he was made Speaker of the Sun and Stars.

[edit] Speaker of the Sun and Stars

The Speaker of the Sun and Stars is the title attributed the new leader of the combined elven nations. This new elven nations is currently living in exile in Khur, a nation on the continent of Ansalon. The nation is composed of combined Silvanesti, Qualinesti, and Kagonesti elves.

Gilthas is now the first Speaker of the Sun and Stars. He was already leader of the Qualinesti, having the title Speaker of the Suns. Alhana Starbreeze, his aunt, made him Speaker of the Stars as well, following the death of her son, Silvanoshei. The Silvanesti would have refused this because Gilthas is tainted with human blood. However, they accepted, only because he shares the blood of Silvanos Goldeneye, the founder of Silvanesti.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Margaret Weis, Tracy Hickman [November 1999]. “Book 3, chapter 6, The Council of Whitestone. An important person.”, The Annotated Chronicles, 1st edition, Wizards of the Coast, 810. ISBN 0-7869-1870-5. Retrieved on 2006-07-01.

[edit] Further reading

  • The Second Generation "The Sacrifice"
  • Dragons of a Fallen Sun
  • Dragons of a Lost Star
  • Dragons of a Vanished Moon
  • Dragons of Summer Flame
  • Dragons of Autumn Twilight
  • Dragons of Winter Night
  • The Puppet King
  • Sanctuary
  • Kindred Spirits
  • The Qualinesti

[edit] External links

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