User talk:Spacemeng

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[edit] My computers, in case you're curious about what I'm using:

I do most of my work on a Power Mac G5 and MacBook Pro, and I have been building PCs for gaming for over a decade. I love the ability to choose each component and build a computer exactly to one's taste, but I also love Apple's computer designs, so I find myself using both. I don't enjoy using Windows, but there's something to be said for DirectX and gaming on that platform. If Apple were to take OpenGL to a new level on Mac OS X, I think we'd see more games on OS X and linux. I think Apple is missing a big chunk of the PC market share by not catering to gamers. I run Apple Boot Camp on my Macbook Pro, and Windows XP runs like a champ on a separate partition so I can take my gaming with me now. I know there is gaming on the Mac, and I've been a Mac gaming activist for years. I buy what I can for Mac OS X, but some of my favorite games never appear on the Mac (like Half-Life and Final Fantasy XI, so I have learned to cope by playing on Windows for those games I cannot buy on the Mac.

Power Mac G5 specs:

Dual core 2 GHz G5

MacBook Pro specs:

15-inch Intel Core Duo 2.16 GHz

Custom-built PC specs:

CPU: Athlon 64 3500+ Winchester (2.2 GHz) | Video: eVGA GeForce 6800 Ultra 256 MB

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