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[edit] bi-directional compatible?
Shouldn't that be worded as either bi-directionally compatible or more correctly as cross-compatible (compare backwards-compatible and foreward-compatible)--Jack Schitt 07:41, 5 June 2006 (UTC)
What is the Filename extension for SoundFont? --Abdull 12:40, 2 October 2005 (UTC) .sf2 is the Filename extension for SoundFonts
[edit] how to use soundfont with sonar?
I'm a newby using sf2/midi files. I use to work with Guitar Pro, then Reason to create samplers for the midi files, but I had no satisfying results with redrum while importing, 'cause the drum pieces - like hihats or bass - doesn't match. I'd like to use soundfounds for the drum tracks but I don't know how. Could someone give me a hint or something? I'd appreciate very much.
[edit] Soundfont player?
Does anyone know of a simple soundfont player that can open up sf2 files and allow playback with a clickable keyboard interface?