Southern Rhodesian Legislative Council election, 1914

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The Southern Rhodesia Legislative Council election of March 18, 1914 was the sixth election to the Legislative Council of Southern Rhodesia. The Legislative Council had resolved in 1913 that it should have twelve elected members, together with six members nominated by the British South Africa Company, and the Administrator of Southern Rhodesia. The Resident Commissioner of Southern Rhodesia also sat on the Legislative Council ex officio but without the right to vote. This office was first held by Robert Burns-Begg, from April 1, 1915 by Herbert James Stanley, and from April 1, 1918 by Crawford Douglas Douglas-Jones.


[edit] Franchise

In 1912 the franchise arrangements had been altered for the first time since the Legislative Council was established. To be eligible for registration as an elector, the voter had to be a British subject by birth or naturalization, male, over the age of 21, and to have lived in Southern Rhodesia for six months continuously, as before. Where previously a voter had to be able to sign their name and write their address and occupation, they were now required to be able to complete the registration form in their own handwriting if required, and to write from dictation fifty words in the English language.

The means qualifications were doubled, so that voters had to have either occupied immovable property worth £150 within the electoral district, or have received salary or wages of £100 per annum. As before, ownership of a registered mining claim in Southern Rhodesia also qualified a voter, whether resident or not.

[edit] Boundaries

New districts were drawn up for this election by a delimitation board. A policy decision was made that each district should return a single member, and the delimitation board was charged with producing district with an equal number of voters, taking into account community or diversity of interests, means of communication, physical features and sparsity or density of population. The board was permitted to depart by up to 20% from absolute equality if it thought fit. In the end, three of the districts were almost entirely urban (Salisbury, Bulawayo North and Bulawayo South) while all the others contained substantial areas of countryside.

[edit] Parties

Previous elections to the Legislative Council were contested by individuals standing on their own records. By 1914, although no political parties had been created, the candidates for the Legislative Council were broadly grouped in two camps. The first camp were supporters of the renewal of the Charter from the British South Africa Company and therefore of the present administration of Southern Rhodesia. The second camp favoured moves towards full self-government within the Empire. The election results showed that the supporters of self-government were decisively defeated in every district, although the subsequent byelection in Marandellas did give them a single seat.

[edit] Results

Electorate and turnout
Candidate Votes
737 (49.9%)
George Mitchell 194
Charles Spearman Jobling 174
887 (64.0%)
Sir Charles Patrick John Coghlan 330
Herbert Thomas Longden 239
885 (58.6%) or 887 (58.5%)
Gordon Stewart Drummond Forbes 275
Robert Alexander Fletcher 244
785 (73.5%)
Lionel Cripps 317
John Meikle 260
Herman Melville Heyman unopposed
871 (52.1%)
Burton Ireland Collings 274
William Muter Leggate 179
690 (53.0%)
William Napier 185
John McChlery 181
721 (40.9%)
John Arnold Edmonds 204
Arthur Lorecht Rubridge Morkel 91
842 (59.0%) or 884 (56.2%)
Raleigh Grey 353
Dominick Eckley McCausland 85
Edward Turner 59
791 (64.7%) or 833 (61.5%)
Milton Evan Cleveland 235
Frederick Eyles 172
Harry Bertin 105
743 (65.1%)
Ernest Alban Begbie 280
Howard Unwin Moffat 204
689 (60.5%)
William Beverley Bucknall 270
John Reid Rowland 147

In some cases there were differing figures for the electorate given by the Rhodesia Herald and the Bulawayo Chronicle.

Note: Gordon Stewart Drummond Forbes was absent during the second session; Burton Ireland Collings and William Beverley Bucknall were absent during the third and fourth sessions; and Herman Melville Hayman was absent during the fourth session.

[edit] Changes during the assembly

[edit] Marandellas

John McChlery lodged an election petition against the result in Marandellas, and succeeded in establishing that he had actually won. He was declared elected on June 5, 1914.

[edit] Northern

John Arnold Edmonds resigned from the Legislative Council through a letter dated February 8, 1915, and as a result a byelection was held on April 26. Of the two candidates, Robert Garvin did not definitively state a policy on whether Southern Rhodesia should seek immediate self-government or continue with its present administration, while Frederick Eyles was a supporter of self-government.

Electorate and turnout
Candidate Votes
721 (35.5%)
Robert George Garvin 171
Frederick Eyles 85

[edit] Bulawayo South District

Gordon Forbes died of wounds received in action on July 27, 1915, and a byelection was held on October 25. George Stewart was a supporter of the 'present administation' while Herbert Longden wanted immediate self-government.

Electorate and turnout
Candidate Votes
BULAWAYO SOUTH George Stewart 193
Herbert Thomas Longden 183

[edit] Nominated members

The members nominated by the British South Africa Company were:

  • Clarkson Henry Tredgold, Attorney-General
  • Dr Eric Arthur Nobbs PhD BSc FHAS, Director of Agriculture
  • George Duthie, Director of Education
  • James Hutchison Kennedy, Master of the High Court
  • Francis James Newton CVO CMG, Treasurer
  • Ernest William Sanders Montagu, Secretary for Mines and Roads

James Donald Mackenzie (Acting Attorney-General) replaced Clarkson Henry Tredgold during his absence, on June 4, 1914 and April 8, 1915. Ernest Charles Baxter (Controller of Customs) temporarily replaced Dr Eric Arthur Nobbs during his absence on April 8, 1915. Percival Donald Leslie Fynn (Acting Treasurer) replaced Francis James Newton temporarily during his absence on April 28, 1916.

George Duthie resigned from the Council in 1916 and was replaced by Ernest Charles Baxter, Controller of Customs and Excise, on March 31, 1916. Baxter was temporarily replaced by Percival Donald Leslie Fynn during his absence on April 13, 1917. James Hutchison Kennedy died in February 1916, and was replaced by George Henry Eyre (Postmaster-General) on April 14, 1916. James Donald Mackenzie as Solicitor General replaced Clarkson Henry Tredgold during his absence on May 3, 1918 and May 2, 1919. When Francis James Newton was absent during the sixth session of the Council in 1919, Percival Donald Leslie Fynn (Acting Treasurer) was named to the council on April 25, 1919.

[edit] References

  • Source Book of Parliamentary Elections and Referenda in Southern Rhodesia 1898-1962 ed. by F.M.G. Willson (Department of Government, University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Salisbury 1963)
  • Holders of Administrative and Ministerial Office 1894-1964 by F.M.G. Willson and G.C. Passmore, assisted by Margaret T. Mitchell (Source Book No. 3, Department of Government, University College of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Salisbury 1966)
  • Official Year Book of the Colony of Southern Rhodesia, No. 1 - 1924, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia
Elections in Southern Rhodesia, Rhodesia and Zimbabwe
Flag of Southern Rhodesia 1896-1923 Legislative Council of Southern Rhodesia 1899-1923 1899 | 1902 | 1905 | 1908 | 1911 | 1914 | 1920
Flag of Southern Rhodesia 1923-1953 Legislative Assembly of Southern Rhodesia 1924-1964 1924 | 1928 | 1933 | 1934 | 1939 | 1946 | 1948 | 1954 | 1958 | 1962
Flag of Rhodesia 1953-1968 Legislative Assembly of Rhodesia 1964-1970 1965
Flag of Rhodesia 1968-1979 House of Assembly of Rhodesia 1970-1979 1970 | 1974 | 1977
Flag of Zimbabwe-Rhodesia, 1979-1980 Zimbabwe Rhodesia House of Assembly 1979-1980 1979
Flag of Zimbabwe 1980- Zimbabwe House of Assembly 1980- 1980 | 1985 | 1990 | 1995 | 2000 | 2005 | 2010
Senate of Zimbabwe 2005- 2005
President of Zimbabwe 1987- 1990 | 1996 | 2002 | 2008
  Referendums 1922 | 1934 | 1953 | 1961 | 1964 | 1969 | 1979 | 2000