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A few months back, a group of perhaps statist editors deleted this article from wikipedia, so I am preserving it here. Feel free to repost it to the wiki if you think it deserves to be there. Thanks.

Liberacy is form of government which is a synthesis of ideas and procedures that would take place to ensure the realization of a perpetual minarchist state.


[edit] Etymology

The name is a latin construction from the root liber, meaning freedom, and the suffix -acy, to indicate being in the state of. Therefore, to participate in a Liberacy is 'to be in a state of freedom.' This is similar in meaning to 'being in a state of happiness:' a matter-of-fact statement on the way things are. This is differentiated from other forms of government, which have terms ending in -archy or -ocracy. These latter forms indicate the rule of a state by a particular group. For example, democracy means 'rule of the people' or 'rule of the majority.'

[edit] Overview

[edit] Characteristics

  • Sortition, or qualified sortition, for most government positions
  • A subordinate and multifaceted executive branch
  • A self-contained Law
  • No legislative ability, only intra-governmental directives
  • Harder to make directives that to repeal them
  • Sunset clause for directives
  • Citizen-convened Supreme Court of Law to hold officials responsible to the citizens
  • Bills of Fundamental Rights, Legal Rights, Rights of Citizens, and Explicit Restrictions on the government
  • Provisions to give clear original intent and interpretation of the Law
  • Simplistic system for universal understanding
  • The Fundament: Every sentient being is sovereign over itself unless that being violates the equal sovereignty of another.
  • Express Neutrality
  • Requirement of supermajorities for most actions
  • Right to secession, accession, union and confederalization
  • Declaration of Pax (Name of State), in which the government retires pending new business
  • Unanimous-consent amendment process for structural elements only, none for principle doctrines
  • Personal signature to the Law by every citizen
  • Citizen Militias
  • Open borders, laissez-faire economy
  • Government only for courts, police, and national defense
  • Transparency of governance
  • Definition of a Free State: a territory and the liberacy upon it

[edit] The Movement

Until very recently, libertarians have had very few concrete answers about how they’re desired state would function. They generally agree on the proper ethics of the state, that the only just state is the smallest one possible. Most hold to the United States Constitution as the foundation of their beliefs. That document, however, has been characterized by several historians as the first assault on liberty in America. Author Kenneth Royce claims that under the Constitution, the U.S. is experiencing the most protracted coup in history. The Articles of Confederation could be then be looked to, however they were simply provisions for the confederalization of thirteen independent republics. Thus, the problem emerged in which libertarians held clear ideas, but had no explicit system on behalf of which to advocate.

Currently, a movement is collecting around the concept of the Liberacy, revolutionary secessionism, the rejection of statist centralization of power in the UN and within nation-states, and the absolute rights of individuals. It is not anti-globalization, not racist, not involved with terrorism and it does not despise the direction of humanity thus far. It does, however, seek to bring sovereignty back to the individual, to promote self-defense from criminals on the street and within governments. It seeks to change the debate from distracting, superficial issues such as gay marraige to deeper questions like “What gives a government the right to give a marraige license in the first place? Why does a couple need a certificate of permission to live together, share finances, and/or have children?”

Seeing themselves as increasingly more relevant as the bastion of freedom, the USA, descends deeper into authoritarianism, revolutionary libertarians seek to empower the innocent against tyranny. In an era where humanity has seen the horrors of holocaust and still encourage the disarmament of law-abiding citizens in genocidal regions like Darfur, self-described enlightened revolutionaries of the Liberacy movement advocate organizing the innocents to create their own free state, and to defend it against internal and external aggression.

The Liberacy is the center of this movement, its principal foundation. It’s supporters are confident that it is the blueprint for the future of freedom.

[edit] See Also

[edit] External Links