Sonya Kitchell

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Sonya Kitchell (born on March 1st, 1989 in Massachusetts, USA) is an American jazz singer-songwriter. She released her album Words Came Back to Me on 4 April 2006.[1] She previously released an EP Cold Day in 2005.[1]

Words Came Back to Me was the second album released through the Starbucks "Hear the Music" program, putting her album in both coffee and record stores across the U.S.[2] Antigone Rising was the first group to be sold through the program.[2]

She was interviewed by reporter Howard Berkes on the National Public Radio program All Things Considered that aired on Saturday, June 3, 2006, where she played some of her music. (link below)

She recently made her UK debut at the Starbucks UK and Ireland leadership conference held at The Barbican Centre in London, where she performed 3 songs for the delegates.


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