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Note to Wikipedians: Please do not rv this page. If subject to Vandalism I'll fix it personally. Thank you. --Solcoves 07:21, 6 March 2006 (UTC)

  • Is this supposed to be a sandbox?
    • Not's supposed to be my home. And I occasionally let guests roam as they please. --Solcoves 08:23, 6 March 2006 (UTC)
    • This is an us- thing. Though I think anybody should respond to our questions, Ross, if they feel like it/ sign their name - MEY
      • Yes, if any of you feel like participating in a conversation, feel free. I am Ross. --Solcoves 08:23, 6 March 2006 (UTC)


[edit] Question

Can forgiveness play a role in current events? -RCK

[edit] Ross Koepke vs. Meg Young

[edit] Game 1

[edit] Game 2

a b c d e f g h
  • Marge's Turn

[edit] Romanticism

  • Can Romanticism be perpetually self-sustaining? -RCK
    • i think romantics have trouble maintaining romanticism in the world. i think it is impossible for it to sustain itself when confronted with the tragic nature of life. -margaret elizabeth young
      • Romantic artists have covered a huge range of tragic emotions, so I'm not sure it's out of touch with the tragic nature of life in the first place. I think though it is possible that Romanticism could lead one to become out of touch with the rational (or pragmatic?) nature of society. -Ross Cameron Koepke
        • "Dr. Ludwig found that roughly 20 percent of eminent poets had committed suicide, compared with a suicide rate of 4 percent for all the professions he examined. The suicide rate in the general United States population is around 1 percent, he said."
        • -New York Times,
          • "Mental illness is not the price people pay for their creative gifts... creative people who are mentally ill find themselves, almost by default, in the arts rather than in business or the other sciences." - Arthur M. Ludwig, The Price of Greatness: Resolving the Creativity and Madness Controversy (1995)

[edit] YOZ

  • What does YOZ mean? -RCK
    • YOZ (imperative) 1. Emphatic contraction of "yours" (yo's), spelled with the letter 'z' for street credit. -MEY


  • Can forgiveness play a role in current events? - RCK
    • I think the middle east could use some. - MEY
      • I'm sure Nusrat (current iTunes playlist) would agree...but I was wondering about current events in the Deuce. -RCK
        • Does the Deuce have current events? is funny but doesn't count.
          • When I go to check on my life's current events I check third and Ann Arbor News fourth. I care a lot more about friends. Those kinds of current events. -RCK
  • Can forgiveness play a role in friendships? - RCK
    • I don't think I have a friend who hasn't had to forgive me for something. I am a screwup. -MEY
      • I totally disagree that you're a screwup because all your friend have had to forgive you. I think it's proof of your character that people want to forgive you. Most people just don't categorize the things you do under "Screwups"...they see them more as "other people being retarded". Then they burn all the bridges to that person so they don't have to worry about it. Maybe you screw up because you try to keep all the bridges in the best condition possible? (or you just feel more responsible when something goes wrong?) -RCK
        • "Maybe you screw up cause you try to keep the bridges in the best condition possible" on first reading that didnt make much sense because i am not sure what 'burning bridges' is, in fact, but I am sure that this applies to more than one friendship. Tonight I was talking on the phone with someone and realized that it is hard for me to be totally honest with someone who doesn't match my values. -MEY

[edit] VALUES

  • Is it hard for you to be honest with someone who holds different values than yourself? - MEY
    • For me? Yes, with exceptions. If they don't hold power over me (granted or taken) I can choose to be honest with them because it comes with no repercussions (random people at school, on street). If they have power over me but not authority (i.e. Administrators, some teachers, hall monitors, police officers) then I can't be honest with them but don't feel bad about lying. If they have authority over me (granted solely by me) like sister (in some situations), best friend, mentor, etc...then I find it impossible to be honest with them where our values differ, but impossible to be less than honest as well. - RCK
      • Yes, those things, but also these things, real examples (order from how little I say to how much)
      • I. My girlfriend isn't comfortable with dating around a lot? I just ask her more questions and tell her less about what I'm up to.
      • II. Somebody does a lot of pot? Hard to tell them how not sexy I find it and how retarded I find the pot-culture, like when I saw a documentary on Amsterdam.
      • III. Die hard atheist? I have been honest but I feel so weird saying, after hearing how ignorant religious people are, that I can't thelp believing in God, etc.
        • Sounds like some people might have become closed-minded tools of their own respective clichés. about the pot though, does "not sexy" mean neither good nor bad, or actually dis-attractive? Or is it the obsession / culture / lifestyle that's the problem? -RCK

[edit] POT

  • Is pot sexy? -MEY
    • Nah the culture, to me, is really lame. Creativity because of drugs? Fine. Hemp is useful? Fine. Pot leaf gear? Pictures of bongs? Stoned people? Songs about blunts and reefer? Come on, grow up. It is a fucking plant. There is a lot of other stuff besides pot, it seems like a waste of energy. - MEY
      • The pot leaf gear is little different than the silver watch I'm wearing right now. There's no need for me to have it. It's easier for me to check my cellphone for the time, which I always have on me. But it's an indentifying piece that lets people know who I am. It's selected for it's unique ability to portray a specific aspect of me, not for its actual function, which is just a guise. -RCK
      • Songs? I'd like to say I try my hardest to evaluate all songs on their own merits regardless of subject matter, but that's bullshit. I hate a lot of songs based on subject matter - usually the lack of it though. Low Rider is still a great song despite being by/for potheads. A lot of them are complete crap. -RCK
      • Dedicating your life to it? Fine by me as long as you're going to make real social progress (a la Alexander Shulgin, Jesus Christ), otherwise you're as bad as the 9-5 shift worker at Microsoft knowingly programming complete crap because you don't care. -RCK
  • Frienships with people who do different recreational things than me are very easy, because I trust their desicions. After trying 2 relationships with people that are somewhere between recreational users and potheads, I can safely say that relationships with different ideas of a good time are not a good time. This is probably obvious. It is very late at night. - MEY