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Specifications Under Current Rules

Number of crew 3
LOA 8200mm 28ft
Beam 1900mm
Hull weight (with fittings) 1035kg
Sail Area of total of Main and Jib
Spinnaker Sail area 45sq.m.

Former Olympic Class

A Soling is a small class of keelboat designed by Jan Linge of Norway in 1965. In 1968, it was chosen among many other boats to be the men's triple-handed boat for the 1972 Olympics. The Soling was an Olympic boat until its final appearance in 2000 at the Sydney Games.

Abbottboats Inc. of Sarnia, Ontario, Canada was one of the world's lead builders of the Soling until a tragic fire in the Spring of 2006.

[edit] External links

List of ISAF international keelboat classes

11 mR | 12 mR | 2.4 mR | 5.5 mR | 6 mR | 8 mR | Access 2.3 | Dragon | Etchells | Flying Fifteen | H-boat | J/22 | J/24 | Melges 24 | Open 60 Monohull | Soling | Star | Tempest | Yngling

Classes of Keelboats (Worldwide List)

10 Metre | 11 Metre | 12 Metre | 2.4 Metre | 5 Metre | 5.5 Metre | 6 Metre | 8 Metre | Achilles 24 | Aloha | Antrim 27 | Beachcomber (22 ft) | Catalina Yachts | Catalina 30 | Cabot 36 | Colin Archer | Contessa 32 | Didi26 | Downeaster | Dragon | Etchells | Farr 40 | Fife | Flying Fifteen | Flying Tiger 10 M | Freedom | Folkboat | Freedom Yachts | Guppy 13 | H-boat | Hallberg-Rassy | International 806 | International Americas Cup Class | IOD | J/22 | J/24 | J-Class | Kendall 32 | Knarr |Laser SB3 | Maxi Yacht | Melges 24 | Melges 32 | Monark 540 | Moore 24 | Open 50 Monohull | Open 60 Monohull | Pearson Triton | Red Witch | Ross 930 | San Juan 24 | Sea Sprite 34 | Shark 24 | Shields | Soling | Sonar | Soverel 33 | Squib | Star | Stella | Sydney 38 | Tartan Ten | Tempest | Top Hat 25 | Triton | Vindö | Westsail 32 | Yngling