Solicitor-General (Fiji)

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The Solicitor-General of Fiji is the Chief Executive Officer of the Attorney-General's Chambers, and as such assists the Attorney-General in advising the government on legal matters, and in performing legal work for the government. The present Solicitor-General is Nainendra Nand, who took office in 1997.

Unlike the Attorney-General, who holds political office as a member of the House of Representatives or Senate, the Solicitor-General is a civil servant. He is required by the Constitution to hold a law degree and to be a registered lawyer.

[edit] List of Solicitors-General of Fiji

The following persons have held the office of Solicitor-General since it was established in 1945.

# Solicitor-General Tenure
1. Alistair Granville Forbes 1945 - 1948
2. Brian Andre Doyle 1948 - 1951
3. Philip N. Dalton 1951 - 1953
4. Anthony Tarr 1996
5. William Gordon Bryce 1953 - 1956
6. Ashley Martin Greenwood 1956
7. Justin Lewis 1956 - 1963
8. Donal McLoughlin 1963 - 1971
9. Harold Picton-Smith 1971 - 1979
10. Qoriniasi Babitu Bale 1979 - 1984
11. John Richard Flower 1984 - 1987
12. Filimone Jitoko 1987 - 1993
13. Isikeli Mataitoga 1993 - 1997
14. Nainendra Nand 1997 - present

[edit] External links