User:Smart Dawg

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

[edit] HEY!! YOU FOUND ME!!

This is my little page on Wikipdeia. Wee. I'm a teen from Northern VA, and I tend to surf the net a lot. I've lived in a zillion different places, because my dad's in the Marines. I found Wikipedia a while ago, probably in 2004, looking for info for school projects and such, although I just found out there are accounts to be made, go figure.

I play lacrosse, video games, and the like, so that's where I like to edit stuff.

The name Smart Dawg is mine, I've used it online for 3 years, just not on AIM, cause someone already took it. So my AIM is XSmartDawgX. | My Personal webpage

I guess if there's anythin else to say, I'll remember it sooner or

My Groups
This user is a Texas native.
cvg-3 This user is an advanced gamer.
This user uses Xbox Live. Their gamertag is Smart Dawg.
This user likes alternative rock.
C&H This user reads Calvin and Hobbes.