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Skobelev can refer to the following people:
- Aleksandr Sergeevich Skobelev (1886-1923), Russian writer
- Eduard Martsinavich Skobelev, Belarusian politician, writer, poet and playwright
- Matvey Ivanovich Skobelev (1885-1938), Russian revolutionary and politician
- Mikhail Dmitrievich Skobelev (1843-1882), Russian general
It can also refer to the following locations named currently or formerly after Mikhail Skobelev:
- the city of Fergana, which was called Skobelev between 1907 and 1920
- Skobelev Park in the vicinity of Pleven, Bulgaria
- the Skobelev Square in Moskow (between Tverskaya 6 and Tverskaya 8), name changed to "Sovetskaya Square" during the Soviet period, currently "Tverskaya Square"