Ska Weekend
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Ska Weekend is a music festival in Knoxville, TN that began in 2003 with only a few bands and had grown to more than 30 bands by 2005. The festival is touted as the latest Ska festival in the coutry by its organizer Ben Altom. The event usually takes place during April and draws some of the most popular Ska-bands in the country (The Planet Smashers, mu330, Mustard Plug, I Voted For Kodos, The Taj Motel Trio and Perfect Orange all played at this festival in 2005) it also routinely attracts more than 1,000 people (1,000 in 2004, 1,200 in 2005 and the number is expected to grow in 2006). In 2005 the festival was held in Knoxville's historic "Old City". The festival has multiple outdoor stages and music is constantly playing on one of 4 stages.