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Sjoelbak(Shuffleboard) The full history of Shuffleboard as a game is not known. Though we have some knowledge of its development, its actual origins, the place and date where it was first played, remains a mystery. Inevitably, this uncertainty gives rise to some debate, even disagreement, about which country can claim to have invented it. However there is no dispute concerning its age as a form of popular amusement. It is a very old game indeed, and in Europe has a history that goes back at least 500 years.
The earliest English name given to it is 'shovillaborde'. Played by Henry VIII. who apparently did not always win because the record of royal expenses for 1532 show a payment from the Privy Purse of nine pounds, 'Paied to my lord Wylliam for that he wanne of the kinges grace at shovillaborde'.