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unless someone has a better idea, I intend to add the following text in a few days (say, on february 3rd)

[edit] 1-handed and 4-handed site-swap

1-handed site-swap (diabolo site-swap)

Site-swap notation in its simplest form ("Vanilla siteswap") assumes that only 1 ball is thrown at a time.

This means that these patterns are just as valid for a single hand, or for a diabolo player throwing diabolos at different heights.

4-handed site-swap

Conversely, "vanilla" site-swap patterns are also valid for a 3-handed juggler, or for 2 jugglers coordinating 4 hands, on the condition that no hands throw at the same time!

In practice, this is most easily obtained if the jugglers throw by turns.

(Left hand of juggler A, left hand of juggler B, right hand of A, right hand of B).

[edit] Diagrams

Just want to inform you that the french articles fr: Siteswap and fr: Diagramme (jonglerie) use some new illustrations, you might consider using them here. 23:42, 21 November 2006 (UTC)