Sith War

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The Sith War is a fictional event from the Star Wars universe. It takes place nearly 3996 years before the events of “Episode IV: A New Hope”.

Notable characters of The Sith War are the Dark Lord of the Sith who started it all, Exar Kun, his apprentice Ulic Qel-Droma, Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas, and many others.


[edit] Battles and the war

The Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun and his apprentice, Ulic Qel-Droma attack the Republic and the Jedi. Kun starts turning Jedi and Force users to the Sith ways and creating a Sith center in Yavin 4. Those Sith would later start killing Jedi Masters.

Meanwhile Qel-Droma made an alliance with Mandalore the Indomitable and his warriors and with other Force users. He conquered the Teta system and commanded Sith military forces. The most notable battlefront were Foerost, Coruscant, Kemplex 9, Onderon and Ossus.

In Foerost Qel-Droma took all of the Republic ships that were in the shipyard and in Coruscant Qel Droma and his forces nearly conquered the Republic capital. But they were betrayed by a faction and failed. Then Kun had to go to Coruscant to interrupt in the Senate during the trial of his disciple to save him. There the Sith Lord kills his old Jedi Master Vodo-Siosk Baas.

In Onderon the Mandalorian army was destroyed and their remnants exiled to Dxun and their leader was killed. Finally in Ossus Qel-Droma was captured and the Jedi Center on the planet was first attacked with many Jedi and other deads and finally stolen by the Sith and destroyed.

The last battle on Yavin join every Jedi, thousands of them, in the Force to exterminate Kun and his temples.

[edit] The Sith

Unlike in the Jedi Civil War the Sith that fought in the war were true Sith, not Revan's fallen Jedi. That's because Exar Kun was disciple of a true Sith, the Last Dark Lord, Freedon Nadd and he was named Dark Lord by the ancient spirit of Dark Lord Marka Ragnos.

And the same happened with the other Sith; they were Jedi students that were controlled by ancient Sith spirits and turned to the Dark Side of the Sith ways.

[edit] The Forces and other battlefronts

The Sith-Krath-Mandalorian coalition fought on a few battlefronts (Coruscant, Onderon...) according to the comic that described the war, Tales of the Jedi: The Sith War; that's often said, so that only twenty Jedi joined the Sith.

But in other Star Wars stories this is revealed as a little part of the war. For example in the video-games Knights of the Old Republic I and II it is said that there were many Jedi who turned against their masters joining the Sith and that they killed a lot of Jedi and people and that a lot of battles happened in the war.

So Exar Kun killed some Jedi Masters and brought to his temples on Yavin 4 more than twenty Jedi for turning them in Sith, controlled by ancient Sith spirits. That bring many Jedi deads to the galaxy, just like a lot of more battles.

[edit] Aftermath

A lot of Padawan turned against their master as Siths, killing them in some cases after Kun take the first twenty of them. Other Core worlds were seriously attacked and at least when the Sith Lords and Mandalore were destroyed or captured Kun's Sith companions flew to the Unknown Regions.

The Jedi Order was damaged, not only in number, but over all in credibility and mind. The Jedi became very cautious and worried about their ways of teaching. This would be notable in the moment they had to react with the Mandalorian Wars and the Jedi Civil War.

It is possible that Kun Sith companions which were not on Yavin when it was attacked by a Jedi force flew to the Unknown Regions and were later the Revan worries.

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