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Jack (John) Perry.
Interests: Italian and Byzantine history, Catholic theology, literature, mathematics, not necessarily in that order.
He can R/W Italian, R/O Latin (um, make that ecclesiastical), R/O Spanish (not well). He has at various times studied French, ancient Greek, modern Greek, Esperanto, and Russian. He once knew Arab well enough to read "Jallab" off the bottle of date juice that he was drinking.
Among the articles to which he has made substantive contributions:
- Formia
- Gaeta
- Ponza
- Amiga
- Canonical hours (although this was before he got an account)
- Gröbner basis
- Buchberger's algorithm
- Maze generation algorithm (to which I contributed the recursive division algorithm)
The reader may notice that three of those are about Italy. There's a reason for that: his mother is from Gaeta, and Jack has visited Gaeta many times, Formia several times and Ponza once.
Jack has made various minor contributions to other pages (cleaning up English, for example) and may contribute to other articles as time and interest permit.
Professionally, he is a mathematician, who has taught at the high-school and university levels, and who researches computer algebra - in particular, "combinatorial criteria for Gröbner bases," which is a lot more fun than it probably sounds.