Simulation language

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A computer simulation language describes the operation of a simulation on a computer. There are two major types of simulation: continuous and discrete-event though more modern languages can handle combinations. Most languages also have a graphical interface and at least simple statistical gathering capability for the analysis of the results. An important part of discrete-event languages is the ability to generate pseudo-random numbers and variates from different probability distributions. Examples are:

  • Discrete-event simulation languages, viewing the model as a sequence of random events each causing a change in state.
    • AutoMod
    • GASP
    • GPSS
    • Siman, a language with a very good GUI (ARENA) of Rockwell company
    • SimPy, an open-source package based on Python
    • SIMSCRIPT II.5, a well established commercial compiler
    • Simula
  • Continuous simulation languages, viewing the model essentially as a set of differential equations.
  • Hybrid, and other.