Simon Haynes

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Simon Haynes was born in Kent, England and at the age of eight emigrated to Alicante, Spain. In 1983 his family emigrated once more, this time to Perth, Western Australia, where Simon has lived to this day.

Graduating from Curtin University in 1988 with a degree in film and creative writing, he went to work in the computing industry. Ten years later he was writing fiction, and so returned to Curtin to study computing. An early version of Hal Spacejock was written during the lectures.

A regular visitor to science fiction and fantasy conventions, Simon is a founding member of Andromeda Spaceways Inflight Magazine. His fiction has appeared in several Australian genre magazines and his humorous SF story 'Sleight of Hand' won the 2001 Aurealis Award for horror. Simon is also a keen archer and tortures himself with the occasional game of golf.

[edit] Works

Simon Haynes is the author of the Hal Spacejock series of humorous SF novels.

He has written the following books:


And has seen the following short stories in print:

[edit] Other

Simon Haynes is also the author of several free software programs for writers, including yWriter.

[edit] External links