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[edit] Do you believe that at least one deity exists?

  1. Yes. = Theism
  2. No. = Explicit atheism ("Atheism" using narrower def. of "atheism")
  3. Undecided. = Agnosticism
  4. I don't care. = Apatheism
  5. What's a deity? / Goo goo gaa gaa? / Meow? = Implicit atheism (General "Nontheism" using narrower definition of "atheism")

[edit] Is your view on deities a belief, or just the lack of one?

Theism Explicit atheism Agnosticism Apatheism Implicit atheism
It's a belief.
(Or: It's both equally.)
Positive theism Strong atheism Positive agnosticism Positive apatheism Impossible
It's just the lack of a belief. Negative theism Explicit weak atheism Negative agnosticism Negative apatheism Implicit weak atheism
It's neither; I'm neutral on the matter. Impossible Impossible (Neutral) agnosticism (Neutral) apatheism (Neutral) implicit weak atheism

[edit] Is it possible that deities exist/don't exist?

Theism Explicit atheism Agnosticism Apatheism Implicit atheism
Deities may exist, and may not exist. Open theism* Open explicit atheism Open agnosticism Open apatheism Open implicit atheism
Deities definitely exist/don't exist. Closed theism Closed explicit atheism Impossible Closed apatheism Impossible

*Do not confuse the philosophical "open theism" stance with the Open Theism movement.

[edit] How sure can we be that deities do or don't exist?

Theism Explicit atheism Agnosticism Apatheism Implicit atheism
We can be completely, 100% sure. Strong gnostic* theism Strong gnostic explicit atheism Impossible Strong gnostic apatheism Impossible
We can't be 100% sure one way or the other, but we're close enough to it to weigh in decidedly. Weak gnostic theism Weak gnostic explicit atheism Impossible (possible with some very loose definitions of weak agnosticism) Weak gnostic apatheism Impossible
We can't be 100% sure one way or the other, but we're close enough to it to weigh in decidedly, and we may someday be able to be 100% sure. Weak gnostic theism (potential strong gnostic) Weak gnostic explicit atheism (potential strong gnostic) Impossible (possible with some very loose definitions of weak agnosticism) Weak gnostic apatheism (potential strong gnostic) Impossible
We can't be sure enough at this point to decide one way or the other, but it may be possible to be completely sure in the future. Weak agnostic theism (potential strong gnostic) Weak agnostic atheism (potential strong gnostic) Weak agnosticism (potential strong gnosticism) Weak agnostic apatheism (potential strong gnostic) Impossible
We can't be sure enough at this point to decide one way or the other, but it may be possible to be reasonably sure in the future. Weak agnostic theism (potential weak gnostic) Weak agnostic atheism (potential weak gnostic) Weak agnosticism (potential weak gnosticism) Weak gnostic apatheism (potential weak gnostic) Impossible
We can't ever be sure enough to decide one way or the other. Strong agnostic theism Strong agnostic atheism Strong agnosticism Apathetic agnosticism Impossible

*Gnosticism is being used here as the opposite of agnosticism, and should not be confused with the religion Gnosticism.

[edit] How important is the question of whether deities exist?

  1. Vitally important. = Full Non-Apatheism (Patheism)
  2. Fairly important. = Partial Non-Apatheism (Patheism)
  3. Not especially important. = Partial Apatheism
  4. Completely irrelevant. = Full Apatheism

[edit] How meaningful is the question of whether deities exist?

  1. Highly meaningful and cohesive. = Full Non-Ignosticism
  2. Somewhat meaningful. = Partial Non-Ignosticism
  3. Barely meaningful. = Partial Ignosticism
  4. Totally meaningless and nonsensical. = Full Ignosticism
  5. Should be meaningless, but has been defined and is therefore somewhat meaningful. = Idealist Ignosticism