Shotz (Hasidic dynasty)

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Shotz is a Hasidic dynasty originating in the city of Suceava, Romania (Yiddish: שָאץ, Shots, /ʃʌʦ/).


[edit] Origins and early history

[edit] Lineage of the Shotz dynasty

  • Rabbi Yisrael Baal Shem Tov, founder of Hasidism
    • Rabbi Yechiel Michel (also Michal), the maggid (preacher) of Zolochiv, a student of Rabbi Yisrael.
      • Rabbi Yosef of Yampol (son of Rabbi Yechiel Mechel)
        • Rabbi Chaim of Satanov (son of Rabbi Yosef of Yampol)
          • Rabbi Yoel Moscowicz[1] (ר' יואל מאָשקאָוויטש) the first rebbe of Shotz (son of Rabbi Chaim of Satanov)
          His mother was Sheindel, said by some to have been the daughter of Rabbi Mordechai of Neshchiz, but denied by Rabbi Yoel's descendants. He married Miriam Chaya, the daughter of Rabbi Meir'l of Premishlan.

[edit] Outline of the Shotz dynasty


  • Rabbi Yoel of Shotz
    • Rabbi Alter Aharon Aryeh of Podilay (Yiddish: פאדיליי; Podu Iloaiei, Romania)
    • Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Moshe of Solitz (Yiddish: סאליץ; Suliţa, Romania)
    • Rabbi Meir of Shotz, Rabbi Yoel's successor
    He married Dinah Rubin, daughter of Rabbi Yitzchak Rubin of Brod, a descendant of the Ropshitz dynasty, and Eidel, daughter of Rabbi Shalom Rokeach of Belz. After Dinah died, Rabbi Meir married Vita. He had children from both marriages
    • Rabbi Yaakov (Yankel) of Shotz.
    He was the Rebbe of Shotz for a short period of time after World War II before immigrating to Haifa, Israel. He was married to Pessel, the daughter of Rabbi Sinai Halberstam, the Rebbe of Zmigrad. They had two children, Yekusiel Yehudah (Zalmen Leib) and Miriam Yehudis.

[edit] Rabbi Shalom Moscowicz

Rabbi Shalom, the last rebbe of Shotz, was the son of Rabbi Mordechai Yosef Moshe above. He married Shlomtza, the daughter of his father's brother, Rabbi Meir, and his first wife, Dinah. He later moved to London, England, where the Shotzer chassidim are currently based. Rabbi Shalom left a will specifying that anyone who can come to his grave and ask for his help, as long as they better themselves in at least one way in exchange.[1]

The Shotzer Rebbe wrote several volumes of Torah commentaries named Daas Sholom, which are arranged according to the order of Perek Shira. He was a genius both in the revealed Torah and in Kabbala, and lived a life style of holiness and simplicity.

Among the Shotzer Rebbe's descendants are Rabbi David Moskowitz, the Shotzer Rebbe of Ashdod, Israel, and Rabbi Naftali Asher Yeshayahu Moskowitz, the Shotz-Melitzer Rebbe, also in Ashdod, author of several books, including Peros Hailan on the laws of Chol HaMoed, and Nefesh Chaya, a commentary and interpretation of the Book of Psalms.

There are also Shotzer Rebbes in Montreal, Jerusalem, Bnei Brak, Beth Shemesh, Monsey, Brooklyn, and Antwerp.

[edit] References

  1. ^ Note: There are various spellings of his surname, both in Yiddish and English. Another spellings include: Yiddish "מאָסקאָוויטש"; English "Moskowitz" "Moskovitch" etc.
  2. ^ Me'ore Galitsyah, by Meir Vunder